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Aren't you glad the Republicans didn't put all our Social Security money in the stock market like they wanted? - Printable Version

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Aren't you glad the Republicans didn't put all our Social Security money in the stock market like they wanted? - President Elect Barack H. Obama - 02-25-2014 12:16 AM

It was only about two years ago when every Republican in America was telling us that they wanted to "reform" Social Security. What they really wanted was to put all that money into the stock market. Now that the Dow Jones has dropped about 25% in the past year and dragged down our 401K's with it, aren't you glad that the Republicans failed in their attempt to put America's Social Security retirement funds into the stock market? Are any Republicans still trying to justify their attempts to do this?
Republicans are always good for a few laughs, and you people are no exception. All your rants about how "Social Security won't be there when I retire" is the same old tired worn out rants that your grandfather John Birch used to say 75 years ago. Just saying SS is going bankrupt isn't going to cause it to happen. Sorry.
As for the guy who wants me to name a source for the fact that it was the Republicans who wanted to squander our money in the stock market, my source is: Newspapers. You should read some.

- Anna P - 02-25-2014 12:24 AM

It was not "all our money" in the stock market. It was in the future, not existing money. Although even then, I don't think it's a good idea.

- skinnyProfessional862 - 02-25-2014 12:30 AM

just leave it like it is and it will be out of money soon

not like the stock market will ever rebound right?

SS is going bankrupt

To deny that is the sign of ignorance

75 years ago people lived a few years past the age of retirement. Now they live far longer than ever expected when SS was started

More money is paid out than paid in. Its simple math.

- Mike - 02-25-2014 12:40 AM

No. I am young and believe that the economy will rebound. I didn't pull my stocks out of the market, but I have kept on investing. It would have been unfortunate if I was about to retire, but it should be up to an individual on how they spend their money.

Just in case you haven't noticed, both social security and medicare are under government control and facing some severe solvency issues. Who knows if I will even see a dime of my social security. I am certainly not banking on it.

- arcanum70 - 02-25-2014 12:47 AM

Every Republican in America was telling you that they wanted to "reform" Social Security?

Every one?

Wow. Could you please give some supporting documentation on that.

*EDIT* We must have been listening to different speeches and news conferences and debates. What I remember are the scare tactics of the Democrats every election and them telling us that if the Republican is elected that will be the end of Social Security.

- VLW - 02-25-2014 12:50 AM

At least we would have more than the IOU's we have now for SS. All we have now is a promise (something Obama has already shown he has no plans to keep) to pay. If it was in the Stock Market, there would be a real asset--not a bunch of worthless Barney "Frank's"-Braq Obama's-Kerry Hiney notes.

Yes I would feel much more secure if the funds were in real assets than worthless political promises!!!

- solarianus - 02-25-2014 12:55 AM

I never heard them saying that. I heard plenty of people that would like to put their own money into investments instead of into social security. It is still a good plan.

Heaven forbid that people have the freedom to make decisions regarding their own money.

- Bub - 02-25-2014 01:03 AM

Investing in the market for your future was always a risky undertaking. No one should have to rely on investments for their pension, and definitely not social security. That money should be in a CD or other protected instrument. The risk is too great. I am very thankful the publicans didn't get that done. It may not make a difference, but just think what could have already happened if they had.

- desotobrave - 02-25-2014 01:07 AM

No, I'm not glad. First of all, Social Security shouldn't exist. That aside, the government takes my money, supposedly to protect me. I don't need it. Thanks. The government shouldn't be forcing people into a retirement program.

The fact is that the stock market has created a greater return over the last 20, 30, 40, and 50 years than the return you would receive from Socialist Security.

- Ray - 02-25-2014 01:11 AM

"All" of our money? Don't quite think so hippie. The plan was a "voluntary" option to put a small amount of retirement capital into the stock market. By voluntary, that means if you didn't want to do it you're money wouldn't have went into the market. Different plans called for differing percentages but the most popular I remember is 2%. But none were even close to ALL OF OUR MONEY. Looking at a snapshot of the last 8 quarters as a justification for not attempting to fix a problem that has existed since the 70's isn't sound advice either. Got a better idea? Put it out there and let people tear it apart.