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How can facebook start to get boring? - Printable Version

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How can facebook start to get boring? - Karvarus - 11-09-2012 06:01 PM

I thought facebook was for socializing, not playing around a lot. Alot of my friends on there post statuses about facebook being boring now. It makes no sense.

- NONAME - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

Hold it right there, punk!
What did you do? Huh?
Tell me what you did!

What am I talkin' about? Huh?
Don't you play dumb with me!
Don't you DARE!
Before you turn the power off, SAVE!

You gotta SAVE!
I KNOW you knew that!
Don't even lie to me!
When you power down without following procedure...

Know what happens?
I get lights and sirens playin' and electric mambo at HQ!
Gotta relax. Deep breath. Haaaaaah...

I can see now, you don't listen too well...
Well, clean out your ears, [name].
Calm... Haah... Happy mole...

You hear me? SERIOUS!
Haaah... Cool, dark tunnel... Release the anger...
You're gonna gimme health problems, punk.
Don't be such a twerp... Haaaaaah...

...OK, listen, everybody, and I mean everybody, makes mistakes.
That's just life.
And maybe you didn't plan to do this.

Maybe this is all a big misunderstandin'.
Yeah, it's possible.
But you know somethin'?
It don't make a clod of difference.

Think about it, will ya?
What, you wanna fix all the things that go wrong?
You wanna snap your fingers and erase your screw-ups?
Sure, who don't?

I mean, pssshh, I wish I hadn't dropped outta dental school.
Good money there.
I REALLY wish I hadn't washed my white boxers with my red sweatshirt...BUT!
Is turnin' the power off without savin' gonna change any of that?

...Of course it ain't, punk!
That kinda thing only happens in video games!
In REAL life, in the REAL world, it ain't happenin'.
And that's normal. Hear me?

That's the way it is, right?
It's takin' whatever comes your way, the good AND the bad, that gives life flavor.
It's all that stuff rolled together that makes life worth livin'.
Turnin' the power off 'cause you didn't get an item you really, really wanted?

Or tryin' to backtrack and avoid some kinda sticky situation?
C'mon, [name].
Stop playin' like that.

Stop LIVIN' like that!
I mean, grow up, will ya?
You're better than this...
You know anybody who's got a perfect life?

'Course not.
'Cause nothin's perfect.
So I'll say it one more time and hope you REALLY hear me this time...
Mistakes and disappointment make the sweet things in life that much sweeter.

You gotta take everythin' life throws atcha.
Roll with the punches, hear me?
Deal with the consequences of your actions, 'cause life ain't no video game.
You feel that irony, punk?

Aw, for the luvva dirt...
What's with the face, punk?
You think I need that look?
You got that how-long's-this-guy-gonna-keep-yappin'-at-me face. Yeah.

Well, wipe it off, ingrate!
You're lucky I ain't MORE mad, you dirty resetter!
Ah, whatever.
All this tunnelin' and barkin's got me beat.

I'm done with you, kid.
I'm cuttin' you loose.
But you gotta promise me, when you're don playin'...
You'll SAVE before you turn the power off! SAAAAAVE!

...You got that?
Oh, and before I forget, one last thing...
Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom!
We clear? Good!


- shallowkitten859 - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

Come on Yahoo Answers, Way more addicting than crappy Facebook.

- immenseskate976 - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

It IS boring. The games are bad and I don't have many people to socialize with.

- remoserjr107 - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

For some, it can be,

For others, never boring....!!

- eagerrifle084 - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

Because what they are looking for on there they will never find.

- BDT87 - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

start to get boring? you mean its not?

- Land of the Greedy - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

I've noticed with my account that certain people tend to only talk to other certain people, while my videos and posts get completely ignored, so I stopped using the site.

- Desi D - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

its good site for people who want to socialize.........and for a person like me Y!A is the best site

- Сąггіε - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

I never even got a Facebook account LoL
But I love Y!A (usually)