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why do liberals think they can over ride market forces? - Printable Version

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why do liberals think they can over ride market forces? - Nanny States Of America - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

liberals for some reason think they can over ride the laws of economics and when it doesnt work they point and blame the business man. Why dont liberals understand every intervention in the economy has net negative unintended consequences. They dont seem to understand there are finite resource and distributing them is through the free market is the best way.

- Steve G - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

The "invisible hand" is not a God or a law of physics. It is a useful but imperfect economic predictor.

- Spock (rhp) - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

economics isn't required in liberal studies and the history of socialism isn't taught.

- One Man Wolfpack - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

You say this as if conservatives are more innocent of meddling in the market. Both parties are guilty of messing with the market.

- roundBastard273 - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

They can force the market to change by banning and outlawing the products we do want and give taxpayer-paid subsidies for the products we don't want.

- FLSwampBoy - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

You must be right. Wall Street really looked out for us in 2008.

- i - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

"Why dont liberals understand every intervention in the economy has net negative unintended consequences."

negative for who? Negative for the rich who have their boot on the throat of working America? We dont mind negative consequences for them. Its time we fight back and get our country back.

- So Say We All - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

America doesn't have a free market, it has a planned economy by Corporations.

Conservatives even support this and claim it's Capitalism and free markets, when in reality it's only free for the powerful corporations.

America hasn't had free markets since the new deal. The Great Depression was a banker created explosion, they created this for a reason -- so that America would reject free market principles and blame Capitalism instead of blaming Corporatism and private banks.

- Tortureking - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM


- ideogenetic - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

Market maldistribution of wealth is the cause of booms and busts. Markets don't distribute wealth equitably, it distributes wealth inequitably.
If we hadn't 'overridden' the market forces that started our financial collapse, the U.S. would be bankrupt at this very moment. If we had allowed every Wall Street brokerage firm to fail, even the wealthy here in the U.S. would have lost billions of dollars. Since the Republicans have been redistributing wealth from the middle-class to the rich for a generation (the real core of our economic problems), allowing the wealthy to perish would have meant America would have perished.
Even President Bush turned into a panicked socialist to save Wall Street and the country from the internal contradictions of its market forces......just as Marx predicted.