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What are your thoughts on legalizing heroine? - Printable Version

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What are your thoughts on legalizing heroine? - me - 12-23-2012 03:20 AM

A lot of people say the drug war is a failed policy and legalization would help to reduce the costly externalities of the heroine market, such as gang violence and drug potency. Would legalization reduce the external social cost of the heroine market or increase the cost by increasing addictions and legitimizing a parents use of drug.

- xearf_09 - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

I think you're on heroin as we speak.

- Whips&Chains - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

I can almost guarantee they will NEVER legalize heroine in your life...don't even think they will...weed...maybe. Its hard to say.

- Ever Greatest - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

I suggest you leave America within a year because after that......well lets just say there will be a big BOOM

- Couman - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

Heroines are already legal, and some of them probably even support legalizing heroin.

- M87 - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

Oh yeah. Then after that, crack and meth. Because, hey, you can use the same arguments for those 2 drugs.

- XxStreetNinjaxX - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

Typically when they say legalize drugs, they mean just marijuana. Which technically speaking, is a plant, not necessarily a "drug" in the sense that it grows and is then cultivated a certain way to be used for smoking, as opposed to drugs that made from chemicals or synthesized. Not to say that some marijuana could be laced with drugs, because that can be the case. However the difference between legalizing marijuana, and drugs like heroin, is like the difference between drinking soda and bleach.

Vote no on heroin lol.

- rayven - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

Heroine is already legalized! A woman being brave is not against the law. (Heroine is the feminine form of the word "hero". You're asking about the drug heroin.) Smile

Legalization of heroin would likely result in a sharp increase in first-time users, which would cause a spike in crime. After that spike is gone, the crime rate would likely decrease as people get used to the sudden availability. People would start policing themselves instead of waiting on the government.

Some people would become addicted, but others would have an outlet to fight the addiction that they never had before. Currently, an addict who wants to quit would have to go to a rehab facility, and they usually get sent there by a judge because they were arrested for possession. When forced, people generally don't kick the habit. If it were legal, addicts have the real option of then going to a hospital or rehab place and cutting down on the drug each time, lowering the chances of both severe medical withdrawal issues and recurrence of use.

Plus, if it were legalized, there may be advances in ways never thought of before. There may be medical situations where heroin could be the best possible drug for the situation. Currently, since it is illegal, no studies can even be done in that regard. Such studies may result in new drugs that end up helping millions of people.

- Nevada - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

I'm mixed.

I've seen first hand what hard drugs do to people. My dad was a drug addict.
However, violance would decrease.
Do you want a lot of people killing others or a lot of people killing themselfs?

- Pix - 12-23-2012 03:28 AM

fuck that the only drug that needs to be legalized is weed and they need to remove grog the world would be a better place terrorists stoned would be like "hey man you wanna bomb the us today" "nah man im to fuckign wasted lets get some cookies" thus no suicide coz your too lazy herroine and shit is exactly the same as grog