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Saga website for elderly shut down over racism, homophobia and other isms; you thinking what I'm thinking? - Printable Version

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Saga website for elderly shut down over racism, homophobia and other isms; you thinking what I'm thinking? - G20 witness - 02-16-2013 12:18 AM

Well...actually, that was cheeky - but I just wonder if thev've spent time doing many-a-gig on Yahoo Answers Current Events (naturally), before thinking to themselves 'Right-o...I'll 'ave some of that!' after presuming Saga will not have Grauniad lefties, darkie-lovers or smiling social workers...or worse still, they've gone from 'one room' to 'another', perchance?
Corny; they are already here...but rather than NOT answer questions which they either don't like, understand (or both) they would rather type a petty collection of words. Saga Zone, Yahoo! Answers - any 'Get-It-Off-Your-Chest' internet site. Could you imagine Yahoo! Answers packing it all in next week? Good night. Will probably look at this again at around 2 am on Sunday morning after putting my feet up on return from work in kitchen - after hot shower and scotch and jazz awaiting!

- No Joeke! - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM


But I don't have your hang ups about this issue.

- Guru Hank - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM

So where is the best place to troll now? Mumsnet gets boring after a while...

(and the Daily Mail you can't tell the difference).

- Misunderstoodgalley958 - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM

It wasn't shut down over dissenting comments. It was shut down because the tendency of too many thin-skinned Westerners today is to curse the darkness rather than to light a candle.

- corny - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM

So we can expect them on here next week then, lol!

- Mr_R_Swipe - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM

Lol... doubtless yahoo's 'unpleasantly wrinkly' section (of which I am a member) will have a new influx of the bitter and twisted. People wearing polyester, eating horse meat and looking down on everyone else should be fun!

Maybe BNP Paul's Great Uncle Oswald will be joining us...?

- Terry - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM

Pass me a double scotch! One of the subjects was 'anti semitism' - which surprises me. In this age of anti-islam, you'd think that would be first in line. Have a look at the Mail Online - they have comments, which will always get the oddities coming out. It looks like you've got one of the 'swap-side' lot who's bitten your bait anyway.

- Kamikaze Clegg - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM

I had a look, very good site, but Ralf, Snow Joeke, Jmb, BNP Paul and the rest are all on there. I still have some further research to do. Looks better than Yahoo Answers

freee largesse – sorry I forgot you. So where are all these racist asian child abusers you talk about on this site? Oh there aren’t any? I see. So why don’t you go to where they are instead, and give normal people on this site a rest?

- freee largesse - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM

i'm thinking socialists find these sites valuable in the constant fight not to challenge racist asian child abusers... yes?

- robert x - 02-16-2013 12:26 AM

since older people see the world differently to many younger people, its highly likely that some older people will have very strong views about race religion and politics. Closing a site because some people vent their views on it tantamount to censorship and is wrong. Iv always thought that its best to speak your mind and if that means calling a spade a spade then so be it.