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Someone please explain to me why we should continue to fall for the media and Congress' tricks by? - Printable Version

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Someone please explain to me why we should continue to fall for the media and Congress' tricks by? - Cajunboy - 02-17-2013 03:43 AM

believing the recent rash of positive news that the economy is stabilizing and headed in the upswing direction? Here is an economic report of 8 of the major Corporations and Businesses who once succeeded and now beginning shut down? Does this sound like progress for America or propaganda?

I apply to my Christian audience because I find when I go directly to social sites I encounter mainly liberals and antagonizing comments...This way I get a good mixtures of liberals and Conservatives....

- SupaStar - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

You want to understand the trend in recent economics?
You are concerned about "misreporting of information from the media?"
You think that the American government is in cahoots with the press to foment propaganda?

You don't want to post your question in the proper category, because "all the people there disagree with you?"

And you ask your question here, where people think snakes can talk, so you can find people who "think like you"?

With all due respect, do you think it might be YOU that is wrong?

- Judy - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

so, basically, you are looking for doom and gloom and agreement with your warped ideals. sadly for you. the economy world wide is finally on the upswing. those major corporations and businesses were probably half the problem with the economy, with their profits at any cost attitude, fostered by the republicans and backed by big business.

- †Archangel TJ† - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

i love the jesus. jesus told us to not have money therefore bad economy means Great news!!!

- FORD - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

It's called the bind leading the blind, or We the Sheeple. The liars lead and the sheeple follow. It's amazing what people will believe when you keep pushing enough crap on them.

@Archangel, No Jesus did not tell people not to have money. He said that money is the root of all kinds of evil. He also asked a rich man to give up all his wealth testing him to see if he'll follow God or keep his wealth. The rich man chose his wealth over God.

- S - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

We shouldn't. You're completely right.

- Frankie - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

The liberal media is bias and will not tell the truth. They rave that 157000 jobs were created in January but hide the fact that over 300,000 jobs were lost. That's why the unemployment number went up to 7.9%. The only true reporting is on Fox news which is the most watched news network for the last thirteen years and the White House wants to take them off the air.

- Mr. Smartypants - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

So what you're saying is that we should only listen to the news when it's bad news? Or maybe just when a Democrat is in the White House. I mean everyone believed Bush for this first six years in office, bragging that the economy was soaring, growing by leaps and bounds, right? But when Obama says that it's a lie?

If you listen to the news over a period of years you realize that both good and bad news are temporary. Longer-term trends are hardly ever reported, partly because nobody wants to hear how the economy is doing over the last 5 or 10 years, or predictions for the next 5 or 10 years. ALL news should be taken with a grain of salt anyway. But it's curious that people repeat and justify news they WANT to hear, and conservatives don't want to hear good news these days.

- McLovin - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

Why do we continue to fall for it?

Because pretentious pricks like YOU, and everyone else, are too satisfied by their G4 cellphones, hundreds of TV channels, fancy cars, online games, pretty much a bunch of shit that YOU don't need and will never satisfy that emptiness inside of YOU that YOU were born, bred, and psychologically trained to fill by buying shit. YOU got what you need, screw everyone else right? Just vote for whatever will improve YOUR life and completely forget that their are other people living in this country.

It's YOUR money right? So it should only go towards making YOUR life better right? Screw everyone else. Screw the fact that millions of other people exist and are a huge reason why YOU can live the life that YOU do. I'll even go a step further a say screw this entire infrastructure. I mean, history has shown that when the main buying power in this country ( the lower to middle class ) are handicapped, that we flourish as a nation.

Newsflash, they've been screwing YOU over since day one. In fact, most newspapers/tv news stations are owned and operated by major corporations. They filter things as needed.

But it's ok right, YOU got what YOU need in life right?

And no, I didn't click on the link. Most likely it's about as concrete as YOUR statement.

- 2FollowHim - 02-17-2013 03:51 AM

Hi Cajunboy, I doubt I've seen such antagonism as I'm seeing here in these
...what would you call them, 'trollisms', 'trollists'? I think a lot of people
worship this president, and it's interesting because the people did
the same thing exactly with Hitler prior to the great mess and
losing the war which I understand was quite close at times.

I think there's getting to be no freedom of thought or speech,
don't you?

I'll just share with you/others what I've noticed happening and
it's not an opinion. It's happening. Hawaii USED to be nice,
and great to heal, great for swimming.

It got quite well known to the homeless who eat/sh**/pi** in the parks,
wherever, set up tents anywhere, and it has started to be all along
where people could go, and it feels horrible, garbage strewn,
smells, lots of drugs also.

Now what's adding to this mix is a new breed of homeless....
the young people. Now THEY are homeless also offering
drugs and sex to all the tourists. They now can just load
up the streets...they do come out after dark, and it just
feels...dangerous, and again, lots of litter, and a bad atmosphere.
A worker said that really 99% were on drugs on the streets.

That was a good article, but no one wants to know, they just
criticize YOU for daring to mention it.