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What would you think of someone on here that has? - Printable Version

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What would you think of someone on here that has? - Jesus lover - 02-28-2013 07:07 PM

. . .over 50 hidden different accounts and
most are the opposite sex account with
trashy avatars?

I'm not sure what to think... what are your thoughts?

- louddeer936 - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

Ï realy don't care. Ït'Š their life, their computer, THEIR time wasted; not mine.

- Rocker - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

Sounds like he / she might have personal issues if ya ask me .

- generic dan V 7.1 - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

thoughts are it must be lovely to dispense all the efforts into something that hardly anyone cares about in the first place

- california - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

An average user, run of the mill social media internet user.

No, just kidding! But yes, the element of anonymity and/or the option to remain anonymous can bring some interesting choices into play.

About having 50 accounts and mostly the as the opposite sex? Well, at first glance it hits me as a bit shady and fishy, but then reason comes to play and I think that to each its own, I try not to judge unless actual damage is done, it does sort of make ya form an odd opinion... it all depends on how this person uses these accounts... but again, no harm no foul, right?

It does make me wonder how you came to know all of these 50 "hidden" accounts. Please share your take as well.

- california - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

creep, troll, nerd/geek loser

- Shih Tzu - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

I can always recognize them by their high rate of best answers. Anyone achieving over 20% is probably cheating. The odds are just not there. I'm a math person. Look at the probability...just wouldn't happen. I can often recognize the writing style of some of them.

But what do I think of them? It makes me kind of sad that this type of thing would be that important to anyone. They must be very lonesome with low self-esteem. They aren't hurting anyone but themselves. If they can live with it, so can I. Who cares.

- Pearl L - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

i think its wrong, this is my only acct, ive never had another one, maybe they should get reported

- grey_worms - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

muh ha ha ha ha ha

- happyfinger567 - 02-28-2013 07:15 PM

@shih tzu - Anyone achieving over 20% is probably cheating.

I dunno about this. I know some people who answer very carefully and get over 20%. I've had 19% for some time with no cheating, although sometimes I wonder if the Yamster's math is wonky.