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Why do republicans fear the idea of a well regulated free market system tempered by social responsibility? - Printable Version

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Why do republicans fear the idea of a well regulated free market system tempered by social responsibility? - Red Rubber Jesus - 10-13-2012 09:19 PM

All we 'liberals" really want is a system that does not favor the elite to the detriment of the middle class.

How much more simple and fair can this be?
And those who oppose this are not fit to remain with the rest of us Americans.

- Not You - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

Im sure your "well regulated" means government pushing us all around right?

Why do Democrats like to have someone ordering them around, is it a fetish or what?

Most conservatives want the government to leave us alone!

- smsmith500 - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

We don't but we can't see the good of a government run economy. Which is what we are going for now. And if you take a good look at those "elite" you speak of you will find several of your leaders in it. And to quote some libs, we have the right to criticize our Government. You do recall that don't you or are you planning to take the right of free expression away too?

- Bitterlunch916 - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

How can you call that simple and fair?
It's class envy is what it is.

Envious of those who have made a successful life for themselves, envious of what they have that you do not. So therefore, it is right that you believe that since you could not achieve such a level of success that it is the governments right to take that away from 'the elite' and give to others? it is not greedy for them to rightfully want to keep what is theirs. No more than it is greedy for YOU to keep what YOU earned

7 deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride

- eir - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

all i want is a system that doesn't further divide us into just two classes....the rich and the poor.

- Dastardly - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

It's the "tempered by social responsibility" part that sticks in their craw.

Who would want that when the whole system is already slanted in your favor?

- Paul - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

It doesn't work, but over regulation does provide a lot of jobs for bureaucrats. I don't want to be the government's b*tch and neither should you. For pete's sake.

- mayna_smo_mry - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

we liberals want. isn;t that nice. and that;s just praddle barry talk. you want to control. you are control freaks. maybe we don;t like being controlled by the government that wants to tell you every move we can make. that is what you want. to have some one telling you when and what to do. and you are not much of an american when you don;t like what it stands for. we are the land of freedom you are pushing for control. you are not fit to even talk to us about america the way you feel about it.

well regulated is just a watered down phrase for controlled. don;t give us that barry speech. we are not gullible enough to swallow it.baaaaaaaaaa

- slither37 - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

Do I get to tell you what you must to do be "socially responsible". No.
In my mind being "socially responsible" would not include sucking the brains out of babies. I bet you would not like me telling you what "socially responsible" is. Yet you want to impose the beliefs of the left on everyone. hmmmm.

I do not want Washington dictating to my or anyone else's business how to be "socially responsible"

Wake up. When the president of the US has the authority to fire a CEO of GM, that is a huge problem.

What is next?

- myasphinx - 10-13-2012 09:27 PM

What about our "American Traditions" or "Moral Values" Now, everything offends somebody. Personally, I'm tired of working hard so someone can sit on their a** and get a handout. Liberals, if America is so bad and awful for you - leave! Go to Iran, Iraq or even North Korea where they hate americans.