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Libs when you watch news reports of people getting screwed over by Obamacare do you care? - Printable Version

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- Big PussyCat - 02-19-2014 01:42 PM

My premiums are less than $120.00 a month. I have a $5.00 co-pay to see my doctor. $10.00 at an urgent care clinic. $60.00 for emergency room. For me there is no deductible to see a doctor. If I am hospitalized the plan sets a max per day that they will pay to the point where I am out of pocket about $3500.00. Then 100% of all medical treatment is cover until January 1 of the next year but even before that If i need surgery it covered 100%. If I were to be in an accident my emergency room care is paid for 100% after my co-payment of $60.00. My tier one generic drugs are $2.65 if i get them at the pharmacy and free if I receive them by mail. Sounds to me as if it's the insurance company that is screwing these people not Obamacare.

- Warren T - 02-19-2014 01:46 PM


- Kiran C - 02-19-2014 01:53 PM

They should ask their employer to drop their coverage and get better deals on the PA health care insurance exchange. "In Lancaster, Pa., Lori Lapman, 58, learned her health plan was being canceled in September—by October things were looking up. Per The Sunday News: "Sitting at a laptop with a certified health law helper, Lapman went to, found it running smoothly, and bought a subsidized Highmark plan that allows her to keep her doctors while saving her money. Her canceled plan cost her $520 a month. Her new coverage? Only $111.73."

"In Harrisburg, Pa., The Patriot News documented the case of Lynn Keltz, one of the hundreds of thousands nationwide who received a cancellation notice. Keitz, who happens to be one of the federally funded navigators helping state residents find new coverage under the Affordable Care Act, said her new policy provides her better coverage and costs $80 per month less.

"In a letter to the editor in The Santa Maria Times, Allan Pacela told the story of how after his wife lost her insurance this fall, she found much better coverage under Obamacare. The couple is now saving $8,000 per year for a 'much better plan.'"

I cannot see the video but for most people receiving cancellation have better options now.