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I think girls have it easier than guys.? - Printable Version

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- Erica - 02-20-2014 08:14 AM

I believe girls have it harder. They have period, carry a baby for 9 months, give birth, gain weight.

- ? - 02-20-2014 08:15 AM

Ehmm... Well.. Depends on everyones lifestyle i guess.. I definitely dont find my life easy... I work full time.. 45 hours a week.. On top of that im on a strict diet because im a bit overweighed.. I do chores at home, plus i need to look nice! Waxing, threading, make up, clothes etc. But some women dont do anything. But i guess you are trying to say that men are socially expected to earn the living.. I think i agree with the first answerer... But in other countries women are still treated like sh*t. They have a polygampus husband and have to obey as if hes god.. And get beaten up.

- Bits - 02-20-2014 08:29 AM

All your arguments are good, but I would say the problems men and women have to go through are pretty evenly balanced. You say men are forced into dominant positions in life, but women are forced into submissive (not completely, and not as much as they used to be but they are).
Then there are society standards where men have to try hard to uphold the image of strong and unemotional. But if a man doesn't shave or has greasy hair, nobody really cares. Can you imagine a girl with unshaven legs? Everyone would stare at her.
I agree that there is more social leniency towards women, that is undeniable.
Still, there is still a lot of gender discrimination in jobs and women's opinions are very often not valued as highly as men's.
Women are still expected to take the main role in household and taking care of a child, but are also expected to have a job.
There are other examples and while I do agree that women have it easier in some areas, I believe they have it harder in others. There's about equal amount of s*it we all have to go through. The world is fair that way.

- 248 - 02-20-2014 08:30 AM

so true