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What should I do?!? Should I tell my boyfiend what I found out about his dad? - Printable Version

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- Chuckles - 02-25-2014 12:06 AM

Your boyfriends father is "normal".

Do you not think or believe that your boyfriend looks at porn and half naked, even naked girls?

Tell your boyfriend if you want, he would most likely enjoy the sites his father provides for him.

Relax, it's only pictures. It's not like it's kids or inappropriate sites/pics. It's only facebook likes and pictures.

You do realise that guys do enjoy porn, the sight of naked women, other than their partner/wife/girlfriend?

It's your perception of porn that is your enemy. Not that I completely agree with it, but it's only entertainment, "Eye Candy" for guys. It's when porn/facebook etc interferes with your life and sex life that you should be concerned.

What his father does is none of your business, stay out of it. Your boyfriend probably already knows and sees what his father does.

- wildflower - 02-25-2014 12:07 AM

This is definitely not appropriate behavior for a married man. However, I do think that it is in your best interest if you do not say anything. Just try to forget about it.

- shara - 02-25-2014 12:13 AM

Facebook makes you like things, even if you don't like it.

- Comrade Pinkman - 02-25-2014 12:20 AM

So you think it's a concern that the dad likes porn? The porn is more valuable than you based on how you treat his privacy.

- chubbyreward680 - 02-25-2014 12:30 AM

No, that's up to his family, tell his mother that you know, she might tell him then Smile