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What percentage of Americans can afford to spend $625 a month for health insurance for one person? - Printable Version

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- flower - 02-25-2014 01:32 AM

Did you factor in your tax credits which can be paid directly to your insurance company.

- justagrandma - 02-25-2014 01:38 AM

If you can't afford to spend that, then you can't afford to get sick or injured either.
Because $625 would look like peanuts when you got your hospital bill.
It wouldn't cover your admission to the ER.
Last year I had a six thousand dollar bill left over from a poor insurance policy, it was for one test.
The hospital demanded eight hundred dollars a month and if I didn't pay they would sue.

What percentage of Americans can afford to spend eight hundred a month plus the three hundred a month for the lousy insurance I had?

Now, we got old enough for Medicare, something I paid into for forty years, and I pay another hundred a month for Advantage, my husband was in for three days with a suspected heart attack.
The bill was thirty thousand dollars, our share three hundred.

If you truly were in financial difficulty you would qualify for a subsidy, in your case you might have to cut back a little on the little life luxuries. There is a difference.