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What is more popular.. Myspace or Facebook? - Printable Version

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- Kelcie V - 02-27-2014 10:42 AM

Lets put it this way. Facebook bound up myspace and threw it in the truck of its car, drove it to the middle of the woods, shot myspace in the head, and left.

Myspace is dead. No one i know even gets on there. The last status update most people have on my friends list were over a year ago.

So no matter how frustrating Facebook is, it still wins =P

- Rhymes with Shmero - 02-27-2014 10:52 AM


- dianeee:]♥ - 02-27-2014 11:03 AM

in my opinion myspace is for teenagers [12-20] & facebook for adults [23-?] haha. hoped i helped :] i love myspace though x)

- Larante - 02-27-2014 11:18 AM

1. United States: 125,560,420
2. United Kingdom: 27,145,020
3. Indonesia: 24,722,360
4. Turkey: 22,556,800
5. France: 18,778,720
6. Italy: 16,387,840
7. Canada: 16,037,640
8. Philippines: 13,757,420
9. Mexico: 12,176,640
10. Spain: 10,439,000

Myspace: 56.2 Million

Who do you think won? Ha. Facebook perhaps?