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Teens: Describe the strictest parents you've ever heard of that are real? - Printable Version

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- Jinx✧ - 03-04-2014 01:11 PM

My friend from kindergarten, who I still talk to every once in a while, has really strict parents. She's about to be 16 and she JUST got a cell phone (I got mine at 13, which I thought was pretty reasonable). I don't know how it is now but back when we were 10 - 13 I was the only person she could go stay the night with, and even then her parents would call and check up on her before she went to bed. She was allowed to use the computer but not often, and I remember one time she tried watching an anime about vampires (I forget the name..) and her parents saw it on the web history and got really upset. They let her watch movies with them that were not so kid friendly, but she couldn't watch anything like that on her own from what I knew. I tried watching Spirited Away with her when we were 11 and she got really scared and we weren't able to finish the movie. She never swears or anything, me and my other friend couldn't say satan around her because it freaked her out. She just got a facebook account but it's COMPLETELY locked and I can't even send her a friend request. Her parents are extremely religious and force her to go to church every sunday, and all these other youth group activities and stuff. I feel for her.... thankfully her parents are actually really nice, just really strict too, so she's not all freaking out wanting to rebel like a lot of kids who have strict parents.

BQ: I live with my mom and she does not give one crap about what I do as long as it doesn't cost her money or get the cops at her door. In turn she also does not give a crap what happens to me and I have mental illness that just keeps getting worse going untreated because she won't get me to a proper doctor, I often go days and days without eating because she doesn't buy food, or live for weeks off of apple sauce or top ramen. But honestly I'd rather live with her at the cost of my own health and be free than live with somebody who watches my every freaking movement and judges and restricts me on it.

BQ: Yes.

BQ: Mango nectar.