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Are Western PC loving Socialists the most intelligent and hard working people in existance? - Printable Version

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- Roger the Dodger - 03-24-2014 11:22 AM

Those who control this country are the very rich, who manipulate every aspect of our lives to maintain their wealth and their power. There is nothing socialist about them, and any concession they seem to make (education, health care) to a socialist idea is done with a balance sheet and cost-benefit analysis firmly in view. We're all clearly more productive with some basic education and decent standards of health.

- Alana C - 03-24-2014 11:29 AM

Alas, although I'm a diehard Labour supporter I can't in all honesty call myself a socialist.

So in that vein, I feel unfettered in giving an emphatic 'Yes' to your question.

Don't forget that from time immemorial the right wing establishment have accused anyone who is not 'one of them' of being unpatriotic... it's the 'reds under the bed' syndrome.

So Corny; enjoy your elevated position and, to paraphrase a tory politician 'don't let the buggers get you down'.