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Non muslim boy im really Broke? - Printable Version

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- Abu Bakr - 04-28-2014 07:51 PM

Try the following steps:
1-Staying busy and focused by indulging yourself in your hobbies.
2-Be persistent and patient and try your best to keep your mind off of him.
3-Stop stalking him by avoiding any form of social media for a week or two.
4-Do dhikr.
5-Try fasting atleast twice a week,Like I said "a person has to change both physically and mentally when they fast and avoid temptation"

Hope this helps.

- Islam - 04-28-2014 07:55 PM

I think there is no cure for your love.
Just ask Allah to help you.
Time is the healer.

- LittleCat - 04-28-2014 07:58 PM

türksün galiba yabancı erkeklerden umut bulma onlar bizim ülkemizden bir kızla çıkmazlar böyle yaparak o kişiyede kendinden soğutursun vazgeçmen doğru olur Smile

- Smilingcable636 - 04-28-2014 08:00 PM

He would run a mile if he knew you were stalking him. Delete your networking sites.
And just tell him how u feel.

Enjoy being together and have fun.

Don't make this serious.

- roundmint617 - 04-28-2014 08:05 PM

Make him a Muslim and marry him, or find another guy who is a Muslim.

It's haram to date in Islam.