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Is the biggest fear among Republicans is that ObamaCare will be a success and people will like it? - Printable Version

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- Marduk - 04-30-2014 01:04 AM

Republicans always hate when something good happens to the common ruck. The funny part is many of these self same Republicans live on govt handouts. But they believe it is owed them, the rest of us are freeloaders even though we contributed the same. My favorite is all the Tea Party politicians who get govt healthcare and hate others who will benefit. They are PRO LIFE or so they say but that only applies until you are born.

- Weasel McWeasel - 04-30-2014 01:20 AM

No, their biggest fear is never regaining the White House, because it's a success and people like it.

As they fracture into different factions..........and fight each other........their hopes of regaining the White house, just recede further and further away.

They don't want to support Obamacare..........but they know if they side with the worst Teatards, they will NEVER see the White House again.

What's a confused repuglican to do??????????