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What Are Your Biggest Pet Peeves? - Printable Version

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- L0V3.Y0U.F0R3V3R - 05-13-2014 08:30 AM

When multiple people try to talk to me at once.

- Georgie - 05-13-2014 08:44 AM

I agree with Turtle. Cell phones or any electronic gear that is blinding in a dark movie theatre get my vote.

- Bob - 05-13-2014 08:54 AM

people that chew food like cows

- Danna - 05-13-2014 08:57 AM

Mouth open whilst eating
Chewing gum whilst talking to someone
Annoying unnecessary moaning
Pigeon toed and sickled feet because I'm a dancer
Tangled wires
Constant beeping
Constant flashing
Annoying accents
Wet doorknobs
Unrealistic tv
When movies are not how they are in books
Auto correct
Misspelling and then posting it on Facebook, twitter etc
Socks with holes
Grass with patches
Bad handwriting
Dusty things
When a skinny girl goes oh I'm so fat
Overconfident pompous jerks
Cocky people
People who posts cleavage on Instagram
Duck face pose
Posting too many pictures in one day on Instagram
Too much swearing
People who don't have common sense
Dogs howling
Paint peeling off
Teachers who laugh at their own jokes
Teachers and people in general who get involve with your own business
Unattractive laugh

I'm a very hateful person and the bad thing is I had no problem listing all of these oops