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What make kids turn to a life of Athiesms? How can society help? - Printable Version

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- Gravitationist - 05-14-2014 06:42 AM

OK, I'm sure you're a Poe now, but, for those watching, I just want to point out: There's no such thing as "a life of atheism" (much less "a life of Athiesms").

- Archer - 05-14-2014 06:51 AM

Common sense and logic,
Society can acknowledge their right to choose.

- Carolina - 05-14-2014 06:57 AM

my parents are religous. I was religous for a while, then my sister and I got older, and decided based on what science had taught us that religon was useless and we abandoned the church. All it does it make things worse. Seriously, if I have a giant sign saying "IM CHIRSTIAN" in some islamic country i'm going to end up dead.

- blueiis - 05-14-2014 07:00 AM

It's that darn Facebook! Keep them away from those Apple products. Yucchy Facebook

- sandy d - 05-14-2014 07:07 AM

Society can let it happen!!! It is natural that the truth comes to light after so many unproductive years without any god showing up!!!

- Tater - 05-14-2014 07:14 AM

I'll be a little more nice about this than most lol Society can't "help" because Atheism isn't necessarily a bad thing. Turning to Atheism is the same as turning to Catholicism or any other religion. People just have to find their own path, and that is never something that should be "helped." Free will should be given to everyone, and the only true sin is taking someone's free will away. Atheism hurts no one, it's just a belief, like Christianity.

- Neil - 05-14-2014 07:29 AM

The world is full of evils that can turn an innocent young mind to atheism, these include: Rationality, intellect, logic, and cognitive thought.

- Metatron - 05-14-2014 07:44 AM

The lifestyle of atheists from one to another is not a uniform measure, or unit. It is also the thing that people get upset about when you generalize like that, because it's biased and flamboyantly prejudiced.

- Marc Antoine Muret - 05-14-2014 07:58 AM

Did you know that "life of Athiesms" is an anagram of the deliciously ironic:

"I let off messiah."

- Shanna - 05-14-2014 08:14 AM

"Help?" Your implying something's wrong.