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Please answer this, What does she mean by this? - Printable Version

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- Nick - 05-15-2014 03:01 PM

Just stay friends,an who knows,only The Lord does. And Jesus loves ya'll,we just ask Him in our hearts,forgive our sins to be saved,He is Faithful and Just to forgive all our sins,no matter how bad, praise The Lord. And avoid trouble,sin by avoiding premartial sex,abortion,drunkeness,homosexuality etc,all God forgives. An don't live with a girl till marriage,God has our best interest. An find a Christian Church,not a mormon or Jehovah's witness,they're not Christians,or the ones that support homosexuality. May God Bless,speak to,save ya'll,and family,friends,and all lost,give good Christians in ya'lls path,work things for good and God's Glory,in Jesus Mighty Name amen,Shalom
Have faith in God. Mark 11:22 God is a Refuge for us.Ps 62:8 more about Jesus

- Jessica - 05-15-2014 03:08 PM

How old are you guys?
Ok, she says she had feelings for you before more than friends, but kind of changed her mind because you screwed up. She's saying she's busy to let you know she doesn't have as much time for you now, maybe cuz you're not a priority to her now. She seems a little confused or uncertain about her feelings for you. I'm not sure what you did where you needed to "apologize for your actions." but give her a little space...don't bug her too much with texts, emails, FB, whatever. She's telling you in a nice way to back off a little, and if you don't, you might really turn her off and she'll have nothing to do with you.

Main thing is, you need to fly straight with her for a while, meaning do all the right things by her if you want her as a GF. Don't do whatever you did before to turn her off. Just show her you are a guy she needs by your actions. Even tho you'll be impatient because you really care for her, you have to give it TIME and let her see that you know how to be mature and not act like a goof, based on whatever you did. Basically it sounds like she was romantically interested in you then maybe changed her mind and took a step back.

Either way, if she saw you as a potential BF at one point she can see you as that again, but it's up to YOU to PROVE to her that you can be that good BF she needs. Right now tho be careful. Don't smother her. Don't contact her for a couple says since she said she "doesn't even have time for herself". Let her say "Hi" to you, or in 2-3 days you can say "hi" to her but give her room to breathe right now.

All the best.

- Makayla - 05-15-2014 03:12 PM

I say maybe to just give up on liking her becuz the relationship with u guys is like on and off, and thats not really a good way to start, becuz its just gonna be a mess the whole way.. U should be friends but just dont talk, or text her alll the time.. Just once in a while becuz if u always text her shes gonna think u like her and then shes gonna like u and its just gonna be a huge mess...

- Alissa - 05-15-2014 03:23 PM

Well, she might be going through some rough times or maybe shes just really busy with school or something. If she still wants to be friends she has some sort of feelings for you. Dont tell yourself that you were being too pushy, it was an honest txt (or status or whatever) girls dont hold grudges about a lot of things like that. Just stay friends and try not to let your emotions get the best of you. If you guys ever end up getting back together, let her make the call. Do it once she feels comfortable. Hope i helped

- Jasmine - 05-15-2014 03:29 PM

what was it that you posted on twitter? ... she was pretty open about her feelings.. whatever was it that you posted , she wasn’t happy with it.. no only what you said by the fact that you posted for the world to see, its kinda inmmature.. thats the reason why she said she is sick with the social media...

however, it isn’t too late, she likes you and like she said, if she wouldn’t she wouldn’t be bothering texting you.. she just need some time.. give her some space, she also mentioned she is pretty busy.. she wants to fix things between you guys, but she needs some space.. i would give her some space, but i would apologize for whatever you posted on the internet, she seems a little upset, but she stills likes you which is good.. tell her exactly what you feel, i am sure you will be fine, she does sounds very mature ... apologize and tell her what you feel and give her space , when she is ready , she will try to contact you again... good luck and thanks for answering my question Wink

- Breeze - 05-15-2014 03:43 PM

I would ask her and see what she has to say about it

- Gabriela - 05-15-2014 03:45 PM

In that spot right now.
If your strong enough just runaway while you can it hurts more when you stick around

- Aleksa D - 05-15-2014 03:53 PM

sorry im not really understanding the question. to me it seems like you were talking about relationships or something on twitter and it made her upset? idk im inferring. restate question better.

- Amyyyy - 05-15-2014 04:06 PM

I did something similar recently and put off a guy who liked me that I also had feelings for. I yelled and ranted on social media about my college feeding me food I was allergic to (I was very sick sometimes, believe me, but I tried to cover it up). I had to leave the university and go to another one because my mother was very ill. I made very derogatory comments about the workers in the kitchen and a LOT of good friends were lost. Even the guy who previously liked me has wanted nothing to do with me and if I message him he won't respond. Even he recently unfriended me.

I have been having a difficult time deciding what is best. Since the beginning of the year I have decided to no longer post on social media. I doubt I'll ever re-unite with them but whatever happens it's for a reason. No regrets. I wish you all the best with this one.


- Royalty - 05-15-2014 04:12 PM

I'm a little confused as to what is going on. Please explain who said who. What you did? or something? if worst comes to worst ask her exactly what your asking us.