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Should I go in for an extra-marital affair? - Printable Version

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- sheloves_dablues - 05-18-2014 03:28 AM

You wanna fcku your wife's neice? WTF is wrong with you?

LOL @ Poopy - thanks for the laugh!

- 616 - 05-18-2014 03:32 AM

i dont advise

- ??? - 05-18-2014 03:43 AM

So, instead of shutting down your 16 yr old niece when this started to happen, you let it ride like some kind of perv? Dude, are you creepy or what? lol She is young and just playing a game.

Listen, if this girl is interested in anything, it's one-upping your wife. She's jealous and wants to prove your wife is nothing to be threatened of ... and no one envies a woman who's husband is cheating on her -- especially not with her NIECE who is practically a baby. No one respects a man who would do that either, so if you want to spend the rest of your life watching this chic smirk at your family - your wife and kids - keep doing what you're doing.

There's still time to get out of this with a portion of your reputation intact. Start saying things like, "Ten years makes such a difference. Girls weren't this flirtatious when I was 18." and "Lucky boys today don't have to wait for anything." If she steps it up a notch in response, laugh and say, "I didn't say it was a good thing." Act like you've been completely turned off, and start talking about how virtuous and honest your wife is, how it makes her even more beautiful, etc etc. Get it so you only brag up your wife or criticize her niece when you talk and she'll eventually leave you alone -- and hopefully not act like such a tramp in the future.

- Ari - 05-18-2014 03:52 AM

you can and you should

- swbarnes2 - 05-18-2014 03:55 AM

"However, there is this one niece (age 18 years) from my wife's side who has lately driven me crazy...She would get unusually close to me while I taught her. She would rest her arms in my laps and even brushed her breasts, giving me erections."

You are a sick, sick f*ck. You encouraged a teenage relation to do that to you? What the hell is WRONG with you!

"Lately, she has also started discussing with me on her sexual talks with her FB bf and that how dirty she has become. "

You mean you participate! You are a sick, sick f*ck.

Honestly, you are revolting. You make good people want to vomit.

And you know, there is no such thing as a troll who only PRETENDS to be a sick, sick f*ck. If you enjoy pretending to be one, it's because you really are a piece of sh*t with a heart of garbage.

Someone needs to find out who you really are, and post this with your name on it at your place of employment, and your neighborhood. People need to know that they are living and working with a monster.

- Meera - 05-18-2014 04:10 AM

Stop encouraging her then. stop chating with her. stop going anywhere with her. explain to your wife's niece that this is wrong, you both are destroying a marriage. ask her how she will feel if her husband did same to her in future? i am sorry but you are also encouraging her. it takes two to tango, if you stop getting close to her, she will also move away. and your wife needs to know this. yes. tell her that you havent cheated but your conversations are getting intimate. you need to work on your marriage