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What is your favorite social media? - Printable Version

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- Elle - 05-22-2014 09:01 AM

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, kik, and loads more

- 886 - 05-22-2014 09:13 AM

Yahoo and Tumblr Smile

- AntonChigurh - 05-22-2014 09:29 AM

None. I don't like social media, friendo...

- Ethos ~ ≡ - 05-22-2014 09:39 AM

well since Ive deleted my facebook Ive been wasting most of my time on here or on youtube

- luckystart8 - 05-22-2014 09:45 AM

Facebook I guess, but I only use it to upload my photos. I like it because it is easy to use and everybody is there. I don't use the others because I think they are a waste of time. Smile

- Sheryl - 05-22-2014 09:52 AM


- Jess - 05-22-2014 09:58 AM

Facebook - Without it I wouldn't be able to talk to half my family and a lot of friends who live at uni and abroad & I'm quote nosey.
Tumblr - Nobody knows me and I can put what I like on it without being judged.
Instagram - No real reason to why I like it I just do.
Twitter - Just because all of my friends use it. I don't post much but I have scroll through everything every now and then.