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Why were so many liberals hating on Shirley Temple? - Printable Version

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- Joe - 06-10-2014 11:07 PM

That is news to me. I'm a conservative and haven't heard any of that. I think people are sometimes to quick to wrap things into a persons political views. Harrison Ford is in my opinion a great actor, and also a hardcore Democrat. To each his own. Everything doesn't have to come back to politics.

I have a part time job that I'm slowly turning into my full time as I get older and leave the trades. 80% of my company is black. I'm the white conservative guy. We all get along and use it to the companies advantage because we deal with clients. It's a joke the way people are! I will often get a call from a black co-worker saying this client is for I will give my friend a cut of the profit, and it goes the other way for me as well when dealing with a liberal female client.

Shirley Temple was also a Jew.....I'm sure some people hate that. She was a cute little girl that many older people will miss. It has nothing to do with her politics.

- Deaner 2.0 - 06-10-2014 11:10 PM

The stuff I saw was on Twitter. Twitter draws idiots like poop draws flies.

That said, it was shocking some of the hatred she received, even by Twit standards (see what I did there?). Black was called a racist, a fascist, and there was even one bint who said Black wanted women to die from illegal abortions again.

All in all, though, it was pretty tame compared to what usually happens. The unhinged hatred I saw from the left when Tony Snow of Fox News died was gut-turning, as were the remarks a lot of righties made when Ted Kennedy succumbed to brain cancer.

The internet, unfortunately, allows people to show the ugliest parts of their soul without consequence. There's nothing that anyone can do about it, unfortunately, except to have a particular forum moderated

And moderated better than the folks who manage Y!A, LOL.