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How do some people get so many friends on facebook? - Printable Version

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- Mightyearthquake137 - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

some people add anyone who they've spoken to, or people who go to their school, or friends of friends you might have met at a party, or your siblings friends. its easy to see how it can build up - i know people who'll just add someone with friends in common.

i'm guilty of doing this a little; i don't add people i dont know very well but if they add me i'll accept.
i have like 250 friends, almost all of which i am friends with in real life. there are a few who just went to my school or i have a class with at uni or i met at a party, but they added me and i didnt want to seem rude by declining....sometimes its funny to have them too.

- Shriekinggoldfish967 - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

I don't have a lot of friends either, and quite a bit of them are my family. I don't add people I don't know/haven't met, unless it's like one of my really close friends friends or something because there's no point in having a million people that you never talk to on facebook in my opinion. A lot of people that go to public school just add everyone in their school, and that's how they get those triple digits. My advice: Don't do the same thing. Just add the people you truly honestly talk to and like, and that's it. Smile

- JJ - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

well since your "class of '14" your prob in highschool so you probably know more peeps than that

- TayResa - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

LMFAO maybe you should get friends...

- Daphne - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

Well, me personally, I've friended almost everyone I've met throughout my years and most of my family. I have 90 friends through that.

The ones that have around that friend probably just about everyone that looks familiar to them.

- ṃε - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

As others have said, it's usually just random people from school/workplace/other social setting and they don't really know them, as well as some creepers who think they're hot. =P
There are people out there who accept a friend request for the sake of it.

Haha, having 54 friends isn't bad. It's good that you aren't adding random creepers. =P

- thunderingProfessional746 - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

They don't , some of my friends have 1000+ on facebook and i wondered the same thing, but it's because they add them , and they don't add there friends they add friends friends , or friends, friends who work at McDonalds lol! Theres no way they can know all of them , some eople add there close friends like you , then some people add random , and people who they seen once or twice in the hallway at school

- yoonndmex3 - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

I have 1,056 and I can tell you I know every single one of them. Most of them are family and people I went to high school with. There are 3 high schools in our area so usually you know most of the people from the other 2 as well. Plus people I have became friends with from other schools through playing sports or other friends that already knew them. I used to go to this summer camp thing. So there's those people. I have a huge family. And now I'm a freshman in college. It's quite easy to start adding up on friends. As long as I've at least met you, I'll add you.

- Charlie - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

I dont know, hell I dont even have a Facebook. I wouldnt have the time or even want to use it. I might make one before graduation next year just so I dont lose touch with everyone when I go to college.

- Lonesome Gladiator - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

Some people just add random people or people that they have only met like once. Also people add people because of the whole you may now this person thing.