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What the heck am I supposed to do with Twitter? - Printable Version

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- hi - 10-02-2012 02:35 AM

you hate on justin beiber... stupid f a g

- WW - 10-02-2012 02:35 AM

I know, right? I had one just to spy on somebody, I never use it anymore.... did I say that? o_o

- sherry :] - 10-02-2012 02:35 AM

haha, i made one and i don't ever get on.
i followed 2 people, though!
Craig Ferguson and Katie Griffen! haha

- Mona Lisa(: - 10-02-2012 02:35 AM

haha. lol. i was just like you when i first got a twitter. twitter is a bit confusing at first, and it also seems pretty useless but once you get used to it, its not that bad. basically, you tweet aka status update of what youre doing or whatever. theres twitter lingo that might not makes sense too. id suggest looking it up in the twitter glossary. follow people and have people follow you. post it on your facebook or myspace so people and follow you and see what youre up too. its a good way to inform people what youre doing.

- Naji D - 10-02-2012 02:35 AM

Twitter is a creepy a** website. I mean really what kind of weird site asks you "What are you doing?" The HELL YOU WANNA KNOW FOR???!!!

If I were you I wouldn't even deal with that site. Unsubscribe and take yourself off that mess. Nothing but stalkers, lames attention whores and bored lonely people. VERY BORED AND LONELY PEOPLE.

Networking sites in general suck but Twitter adds to it for the creep factor.

Twitter documentary(VERY VERY very very very VERY VERY Creepy)

Here's part 1 of a 12 part series that talks about the damaging effects of social networking sites. (Part 1)

Bill Waggoner is another great guy that exposes how messed and evil Facebook and twitter really are. (His CoasttoCoastAm interview by George Noory) (His website)

Oh and just a tidbit of information. Most people don't know but apparently many of the guys that work on twitter WERE THE SAME GUYS THAT MADE THOSE REALLY ANNOYING PORN SITES THAT POP UP ON YOUR COMPUTER UNEXPECTEDLY WHICH GAVE YOU VIRUSES AND WORMS ABOUT 6 OR 7 YEARS AGO. lol