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Why do we tolerate the Government wasting our money? - Printable Version

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- Jim B - 10-02-2012 03:40 AM

Our government has been wasting our money for years. What the people need to do now is listen to what our politicians are promising and figure out where the money is going to come from. Taxes are not the answer wasteful spending is the problem. We are a Country in financial trouble, near bankruptcy so additional spending must stop. The cold hard facts are if we continue to spend like drunken sailors we will be bankrupt and everyone of us lose. Like it or not concessions must be made and some services will have to suffer. Our wants must give way to common sense and realize we can not Spend our way out of this mess. Each of us regardless of party must take a small lump now or have nothing later. Our Greed plays right into the hands of our political Arena causing both side to promise the impossable. It is time for america to stand up for what is right. Question is How?