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As far as contacting adopted children.Do the same rules that apply to birth parents apply to siblings? - Printable Version

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- livin life - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

Are u telling me you never told your daughter she was adopted? How very selfish of you. What good will a restraing order do since the cat is out of the bag. Just close your facebook account. Children should be hearing about how wonderful they are by beiing adopted from day one. I was aware of it since I could walk. No suprises from anyone and I never felt my folks then lied to me, like your daughter must feel you did to her.

- Molly - 11-09-2012 04:56 PM

first, if she is old enough to be on facebook, then she is old enough to have already been told she was adopted. What a way to find out!!!