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Is it acceptable for a parent to snoop and tamper with their 16-year-olds Facebook account? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Is it acceptable for a parent to snoop and tamper with their 16-year-olds Facebook account? (/thread-30578.html)

Pages: 1 2

- Lavender - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

i have a 14 year old and i must admit i have had a little snoop by sitting near her etc and she has me as a contact so i can keep an eye on her wall etc,but you have to be discreet and i would never dream of changing passwords.
the fact the mother does not live with her son says quite alot and i can understand why he thinks its an invasion to his privacy.

- Duirmuid - 11-09-2012 04:59 PM

I think the law will go against her, because the grandparents are looking after the boy and she only has visitation rights. This family obviously is a sad case and the boy's relationship with his mother and probably his father has broken down completely.

She is trying to assert a parent role when in fact she does not have parental rights otherwise why has she only visitation rights. If she persists she may find that in fact her visitation rights will be removed.

The boy at 16 has a right for his voice to be heard and his views to be taken into consideration now.