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Muslims in Pakistan find facebook and youtube offensive to their religion?In what way? - Printable Version

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- Dynamicjail125 - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Not all Pakistanis, but there's enough of them that are crybabies about non-Muslims not adhering to [Sunni] Muslim doctrine of not drawing Mohammad. Apparently, if people who aren't Muslims still don't follow Muslim doctrine, it hurts their feelings. So they're protesting in the streets, demanding blood. Like I said, not all Pakistanis. Eventually the level headed Pakistanis will get tired of their constant qq.

- EvolvedApe - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Muslims are very insecure about their religion because they know its a bunch of crud so they cant take anyone making fun of it

- sarcasticone=] - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

If they don't like it they don't have to get on those sites, that's just common sense.

- meme - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Do you have any idea how offensive it is for DrawMuhammedDay to be a national holiday or whatev. to the muslims?
Shouldn't some of you at least show some respect for EVERY religon?

- waqar Khattak - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Yes, In Pakistan, the government has banned more than 500 websites including FB and YT through Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. The reason behind this has been the blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) posted on these websites.

Making fun of another person's religious values and beliefs is a crime, unethical in all civilized societies and offensive in every way. If I call you M*therfu*k*r, this will obviously enrage you, because you love your mother. The Muslims love their Prophet more than their mothers, more than anything under the sun. They also respect Jesus, Moses, David and believe that all these are messengers of God and must be respected. A Muslim will never make fun of anything associated with a religion or belief, and expect others to treat them on the same level.

I don't understand why some narrow-minded people in the West are bent upon maligning the true image of Islam, associating it with extremism and intolerance.

- zapper9cl - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

its simple ,u insult someone s belief and then dont let them complain cause u think its freedom of expression.NO its not expression its sickness.give them a break.

- Microsoft MVP [ - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

These are all bunch of ignorant people who are trying answering to your post, yet neither of them ever succeeded in answering your question.

Muslims in all over the world are followers of Prophet Muhammad pbuh (, the most influential personality in the history of mankind.According to Islam, drawing the depictions/images of Prophets (including Prophet Muhammad pbuh) is prohibited. Yet, some handful of idiots are exploiting this in the name of "freedom of speech" and trying to ridicule Prophet Muhammad pbuh. This is hurtful to any Muslim living on the face of earth. The reason why facebook got banned in Pakistan because people of Pakistan have very closed association with Prophet Muhammad pbuh and his life. Yet, cartoonists are showing their hatred and prejudice to hurt the faith of 1.2 billions Muslims in this world...what a shame!!

I would recommend you to study the life of Prophet Muhammad pbuh from real sources.

- Gert - 11-09-2012 05:09 PM

Because of "International Draw Muhammad Day". Shockingly, the Kor'an doesn't force muslims to fight against us for this.