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Why does my Boyfriend like Anime girls more than me? - Printable Version

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- friend - 11-09-2012 05:50 PM

hardcore is right.. its the fantasy he is after. buy the way from the Anime caricatures I have seen.. he is getting his kicks from watching little girls too.
Flee.. while you still can

- Eric - 11-09-2012 05:50 PM

Well, the first thing you need to understand is that the first thing a guy looks at is asthetics (How you look). That does not mean you should start wearing short mini skirts around him if you never do. That will probably weird him, out. but his behaviour is probably a good indication he is interested in the more Playful, fem, ...Girly type.

In fact, I have a perfect example for you. Ever see the "Breakfast club" It's an 80's movie but it has a perfect example. All through the movie is Ali Sheady's character (dark hair) all boxed up in bulky clothes, and kinda weird. At the end of the film, she got a little make over and all the guys eyes popped out. The way she looked and acted at the end, is a major turn on for guys.

Good luck,

- Wiki M - 11-09-2012 05:50 PM

Because girls in anime are always thin and have perfect figure and big breasts, and also your boyfriend is a huge nerd (weeaboo)

- AL_Kun - 11-09-2012 05:50 PM

In my case I can't really say anything because I'm an otaku and a role-play addict too! I guess you can tell by looking at my avatar.
So why do boys like us like anime girls? Let's just say that I personally don't really fret over them more than real life girls, example I have a girlfriend and I love her more than any other anime girls i watched on animes. Anyway, the reason why is as you have said it ...they are cute and in another offense but some hentai movies, they are like virtual strippers. *forced laugh* I know it sounds weird but i can't stand those mangaka whom try to pull boys into watching their anime just because they hit their "soft spot" Disgusting i tell u >Tongue
Anyway, i guess you can get him back by pulling him away from the computer more often and hang out with you more...try to show to him that all the anime girls are actually drawing and imaginations from the mangaka's mind to entertain people, not to overtake their life. Show him the real world, the world where famous mangaka took their inspiration from. Do it out of love and not force! And always keep this thought in mind: Love always win
Of course, I can't guarantee this will work perfectly - 100%.. but I wish you the best of luck
If he still loves you, slowly changes will occurs, and i really means VERY slow, because i kno how hard it is too take somebody away from the virtual world to show them the real world, it took me 8 months you know...actually i think more than that.
Anyway, again...I wish u the best of luck! Go for it girl ^^