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How can facebook start to get boring? - Printable Version

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- nia - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

Facebook was always boring to me from the first time I logged on... I'm like - 'who cares'? LOL

I guess at first it gave everyone a chance to be a 'star'... you know.. "Hey... look at me!!".... and when all of the nostalgia and hype about Facebook has started to slow down, now they're getting bored with it.

- hevben982 - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

I think Facebook is boring for the most part. I will keep my Facebook account and check it once in a while (maybe once a week if that). It is a good way to see what family and friends are up to, but it does get boring to check it day after day when not much changes.

I do think that Yahoo answers is more educational and generally informative, you can learn what real people think since they are more inclined to be truthful because of the anonymous nature of the site.

- Kelsey - 11-09-2012 06:10 PM

I find Facebook to be very boring at times because play games like Farmville and YoVille sure get old. Socializing is fun, but that can also get boring easily. I find that people are beginning to post random crap on there now, and their "news" is getting old.