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What are your views on facebooks decision to remove breastfeeding pictures from the site? - Printable Version

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- Penguin Elf - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

It may be to keep weridos away.

But if they think that breastfeeding pictures are obscene, than why do they have a game called "my Baby" or something like that where one of the options is to breastfeed the baby?

There are more Obscene things on facebook that has nothing to do with pictures, such as some of the games on there like "mafia war" or "drug war" those encourage children (who now have access to facebook) to play games dealing with the buying and selling of drugs. Yet facebook does not remove those games instead they remove pictures that you can't even see real body parts.

I got a feeling that the group who is pictures were removed will win.

Facebook was created for college students, not children. I think facebook should re create the site and remove people that are not in highschool or college. Any one younger than 13 should not be allowed on the site

- Hovis - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

i think breast feeding is the most natural thing in the world i dont see the big deal about it to be honest. mothers do not whip their top off and get there boobs out for the world to see it is discreet.

i think it is wrong to remove the pictures unless it is a picture put there by someone else (whos child it is not)

- Jenn - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

This is so silly.. the article even says.. "But the website defended the move, saying it takes no action over most breastfeeding photos because they follow its terms of use. However, others - where too much of a mother's breast are exposed - are removed to ensure the site remains safe and secure for all users, including children, a spokesman confirmed"

What the heck... so in my opinion Facebook is right on... they aren't making a judgement on breastfeeding... they are looking at specific pictures and if they don't meet thier guidelines, they are removed. Good for facebook! If the picture is borderline (because of showing nipple) then it should be removed. Really most people probably don't want to see their breast feeding friends nipples anyway. It may be our prudish American culture but whatever.. it's their website and they have rules of what they deem appropriate and what they don't. Many of my friends on facebook breastfeed and NONE of them has ever posted a picture of themselves breastfeeding.. why would they?!

- simm101 - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM


- Flangela Haddock - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

They removed any photo's that could be harmful to children I believe. There were some pics of a full on boob without a baby attached to it so they made the right decision.

I am not against breastfeeding at all but I am against pervs who strangely get off on it.

- gentlecream279 - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

Making a tit of themselves again.

- delightfuleye414 - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

I actually agree with it. Not because the pictures are obscene as such, but because:

A. It's just respectful to assume that people who don't know you don't want to see your boobs (and sometimes that's what it looks like, however natural it is)

B. It protects the mothers and children from weirdos. Think about it - people wouldn't pin a picture of them breastfeeding in their window, or post it on here, so why on facebook?

- R- Doreen - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

some things shud remain private and breastfeeding is one of them. i think facebook were right to remove them

- muffinisis - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

well it depends on the mind of the person whos looking i guess. so perhaps your next question should be, ,,,,,,,,

- ketkonen - 11-09-2012 06:39 PM

You see they make breasts obscene so they can make people pay to see them on adult sites. Cause they should allow pictures of breast feeding, it's pertfectly natural for goodness sake. If people don't like it, tough. People are just SO sensitive these days