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ladies, how would you feel if your boyfriend had a few pictures up of him and his ex girlfriend on facebook? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: ladies, how would you feel if your boyfriend had a few pictures up of him and his ex girlfriend on facebook? (/thread-33326.html)

Pages: 1 2

- Nox - 11-09-2012 06:42 PM

Delete them. Ex's have no place in your life. They are ex's for a reason. If someone else has them posted and he's tagged in them, he needs to untag himself.

- Crazyvacation169 - 11-09-2012 06:42 PM

It would have to depend on the pictures, and the situation. If you are a new girlfriend, and he was with his ex for years, there are bound to be some pictures from holidays or functions that will be lurking around facebook, and I would be fine with it.

But, if you have been with him for longer then 6 months and he has albums up full of pictures of her, and captions still like "me and my babe!" or something, I wouldn't be impressed. I think only the pictures that have other people in them that she is in, and from functions/events should stay up.