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How do I say that I'm relatively liberal without offending anyone on Facebook? I'm 14? - Printable Version

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- Seiko . - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

Tell people you got hit pretty hard in the head the other day.

- Funny... - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

Most people don't care, so you're fine. If anyone does, then you don't have to care about their opinion

- ya boy rc - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

damn im in jersey and just about every single person is liberal. i thought only people deep into poltics were conservtive becuase i personly dont know any consertives. i sure aint going to texas lol a 1-3 extremly consertive? i belive in gay rights cuz its none of my buisness what they do and im agaisnt abortion cuz its not right, they dont need to get pregnent in the first place then. if you dontwant to offend anyone just simply dont answer, i belive poltical preference is optinal. i feel sorry for you.

- gina Santos - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

You don't. You don't have to tell anyone. Plus if your friends on facebook are really your friends, they won't care because they know who you are. But if you must, put something like "I am open to anyy and all ideas, and I am liberal."

- Katsumi - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

Cons always feel insulted when they can't everything their way, you can't fix that.

- Tenth Amend - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

I think these labels are mostly meaningless now. You mention abortion and gay rights. Where are you on taxation, deficit spending, welfare, Obamacare, etc.?

These issue more define your political position than social issues. Many are fiscal conservatives but social moderates.

- Tall Green Alien - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

I'm impressed that you are interested in politics at such a young age! First, don't listen to these people who are answering your questions with their nutty comments. Gay rights and abortion don't have anything to do with one another, as you know, so there's no contradiction in you supporting one and not the other. I am also opposed to abortion, btw, though I am liberal on most subjects. So maybe I'm an 8 or 9 on your scale. I suspect that you are more afraid of being picked on and having to defend your positions than that you are afraid of offending someone. So I guess the first thing is to be educated on the issues, and to be prepared to defend your positions. On Facebook, you don't have to say "liberal." You could say "progressive" because conservatives like to demonize the word "liberal." But you could also say "independent," which you could mean to say that your views are mixed. Whatever you do in politics, though, means you have to have courage and thick skin. These days people are always looking to call each other names, like a lot of these people on Y/A. I suggest that these people who resort to name calling aren't very smart. They don't seem to have much to say that is meaningful about the issues.

- casually defiant - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

You could say that you enjoy the ability to disagree with those around u and love diversity. Though I didnt give an F what my relatives thought...u might not want yours breathin down your neck trying to convert u

- Drixnot - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

Here is a rule EVERYONE should have.

Avoid talking about sex, religion and politics at school and at work as much as possible.

I would include facebook in that as well because you have no real control over who can look at that stuff. Only after getting to know an individual should you discuss those subjects... again you should control who sees and hears the conversation.

I would say the exact same thing to a conservative.

Think about this... I know a guy that lost a very good job, with all the bells and whistles in benefits because he couldn't keep his mouth shut about politics at work. This man has a wife, a kid and another on the way. His unemployment recently ran out and the pregnant wife is making all the money.... a quarter of what his job paid and there are no benefits. This man now has to face the fact that he might have to collect welfare just to get by.

Now I know you are just 14... but its best if you learn this early and stick to it.

- Dave Harrison - 11-09-2012 07:01 PM

From the UK. Beware of Facebook! most of the people have false profiles.I have been so shocked how impossible it is to be able to contact anyone in emergency I have closed my account. I am very conservative my self,although it probably means slightly different here. You could say moderate conservative with liberal leanings?