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How can i get rid of my stutter? - Printable Version

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- Louise - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

I am a stutterer. My parents tried every kind of treatment to stop me stuttering when I was young - speech therapy, hypnosis, diet change etc but nothing helped (however saying that speech therapy is a lot different these days and could help you so you might want to check it out). I found high school and immediate post high school the worst but once I entered the workforce it became a lot easier. People were more accepting.

Did you notice that your own name is the hardest thing to say, therefore the thought of introducing yourself to anyone is terrifying. Personally, my stuttering goes up and down according to my stress levels.

I got married, started a family and was in the frame of mind that I was always going to stutter and nothing I did would improve it, and I was actually okay with that. Stuttering was what I did when I talked but it wasn't who I was or what I was about. Stuttering does make you any less intelligent than if you didn't (although you may not feel this way).

Then I came across a TV program that advertised a new program for stutterers. I looked into it and went along to the program. Although expensive it was worth every cent. Although they didn't "cure" my stuttering, they taught me how to breath better when I was speaking so as to minimise the stuttering so that the average person wouldn't recognise that I stuttered. Of course I still have times when I stutter when my stress levels are high but nothing near what it was before.

I am a supervisor of a department and have to chair a lot of meetings and talk on the phone to strangers or people of authority. Previously I would have stressed over it for many sleepless nights but now I don't blink an eyelid at having to do things like that.

I wish you luck, no one but a stutter can understand what we go through.