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should i be jealous at my boyfriends friends on facebook? - Printable Version

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- Emmerrr - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

I understand where you are coming from, but there is no need to be jealous. I'm sure you have friends on facebook that he could be jealous of, but he trys not to be. Or friends in general that may look like a threat to him. It sounds like he loves you, and if you love him, you should trust him. I know it can be hard, believe me, I have been through this before.
Hope this helped!

- Brandiibby - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

I have the same problem also. But the best thing to do I try Ann respect your guys friends, maybe they don't mean anything just friends(:
hope I helped.

- Rachel - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

Are you jealous simply because he has friends? Or is something in particular going on that makes you jealous? More info needed.

- kailua77 - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

You need to be comfortable within your own relationship. If his life on the internet is making you uncomfortable, you have every right to say something. My bf has a stupid myspace and I can't stand it. I think it's a great way to create more stress in a relationship by having it. I'm sort of old-fashioned and feel it's way too easy for people to access other people when they are going through a rough spot in their personal lives. Being on a site like Yahoo Q & A you figure out the problems with other people where myspace sort of creates the problems, I feel. However, I am not going to make him take it down, but knowing it is there adds a bit of tension to the relationship for me. This is simply my opinion-take it or leave it. Hope I helped.

- Lisa K - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

If you have a reason to not trust him then that's one thing. If you are just worrying about what he might do even if he has never done anything that is another. If he has done something to make you not trust him then you should be able to look at his page and his friends pages. He should also have on his page that everyone can see that he is in a relationship. My ex bf took forever to add me as a friend on his facebook page. It was super weird because I add people all the time, its simple. Well come to find out he has his relationship status not showing, and he has about 50 girls as friends on his profile, that are blocked so I cannot look at them. This ex bf was always doing inappropriate things. He was constantly cultivating other relationships while still being in one with me. At one point he was dating another girl, sleeping with her and supposedly committed to her, while also sleeping with me. Obviously this is a case of a guy that needs to be single. IIf on the other hand you are only suspicious about your bf and he has never done anything, you need to tone it down a notch. I told my daughter the same thing you have to trust the person until they do something that isn't trustworthy and then you don't trust them.