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Religiously speaking, how do I make my older brother stop informing me about his sexu@l affairs? - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Michael H - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

Maybe he wants to do you, and he's giving you dirty information to turn you on.

I have no idea, but that' possible. Tell your parents ever little detail, have them come to him, and when he's emarrased as hell, he'll never talk about it to you again.

- feyomi* - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

Simple. Just say, "Dude, why?"

- DollyMop - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

Ewww. Now that definitely falls within the realm of "Too much information". If I were you I'd let the lady know he's "sharing" to this degree. She'll beat the living shite out of him, dump him after calling him an incest obsessed freakzoid...and he'll learn you can't keep a secret. Then maybe he won't be so forthcoming with the info about his new squeeze.

- OURScott - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

All boys are nasty.


- Briley ♥ - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

Throw up on him every time he tells you about something sexual. Maybe he'll get the point then that you are completely grossed out by it.

- Torg T. Robot - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

Mound of Venus? I knew this had something to do with astronomy!

- bravegoose992 - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

Politely tell him to Fk off.

"STFU" comes to mind
Shut your f***ing pie hole.
Or if he likes cake
Shut your f***ing cake hole