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How do i cheat on my girlfriends without them finding out? - Printable Version

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- Bill B - 11-09-2012 07:34 PM

Dude -- it's totally easy! There's like 20 ways to pull it off, but here's just a couple:

(1) Check the weather forecast for the Booty Beach and when it looks like it's going to be good beach booty huntin' weather you buy plane tickets to Vegas for all of your girlfriends and tell them that you care so much about them that you want them to have a nice vacation --- then scam away at the beach!

(b) This one takes a little time to set up. Get on Facebook and set up a story about how you got busted by the cops in the next town over for some vague offense and that you're going to have to go to court. Then, when it gets close to beach booty time, post how you got sentenced to 2 weeks at one of those wilderness boot camp things because you're such a retard, but say that you don't know where it is. THEN lay that pipe at the beach like there's no tomorrow.

(iii) Have your mommy write a note (or you forge it if mom's in a crack house) to all of the girlfriends that you love telling them that you got the H1N1 virus and that you have to stay home -- in isolation -- with nothing to do but make up horsecr*p Yahoo Questions to see if anyone will bite. THEN take your studly self down to the beach and let the booty-fest begin.

There're many more ways to make your wet dreams come true and pave the way to a bright future. You just gotta think outside the box or zipper as the case may be.

Get some!!