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I found out that my wife was emailing an old boyfriend on classmates.i then looked in her internet history? - Printable Version

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- dewayne b - 11-09-2012 07:36 PM

this means curiosity is getting to the cat my friend. She was most likely looking up old boyfriends to see how they were doing. Seeing who they are with, if they are still single. And was more than likely talking to them to go back down memory lane. Not meaning they were talking about past things (even though it is possible) but go back to memory lane of talking to them and wanting to see if that fulfillment that they got in the past was still possible. I think she was trying to get in touch with them so she can maybe have a threesome with oneof them and maybe their girlfriend. She is really curious and the whole threesome thing is not good for marriage. maybe before you got marred but after the marriage... it is playing with fire. I think you need to step back and starting thinking of the possibility that your wife is more focused on her curiosity than your marriage. If this is true then you need to really consider what it is your going to do. She will act out on her curiosity sooner or later, be it with a guy (old boyfriend) or a girl. She is just being considerate by wanting to include you. If you stand on your decisions of not doing the threesome thing then you must also be prepared for what can happen because you refused to allow her to explore herself. Or if you do choose to join her curiosities then you must be prepared to face what comes along with that also, the doors that will be open for better or for worse. I don't envy you man like probably most pig headed guys would. There is nothing worse than a curious woman because you never know what she will do. I will add, since you got the evidence no just be more observant to her actions. Everyone has tendancies. we all wake up and do the samething get home around the same time go to work at the same time get home at the same time, spend time with our spouses around the same time. We are a big ball of consistancy. Yeah there maybe sometimes where its not but its only because of a reason. So being said that if her consistancy starts to change then you know it is because of a reason. You can try to find out what it is or not but if you do you better prepare yourself for what you are going to find. We always want the truth but it doesn't mean that we are prepared for it. I caught my fiance` sleeping with another man by just noticing the patterns that began to change. I honestly wasn't ready to see what i wanted to know what was going on but i needed to, just like you may

- Bill B - 11-09-2012 07:36 PM

Sounds like your wife is working on cheating. I wouldn't get too excited about the idea of a 3-some. She may just have said that to divert your attention away from the real issue (her looking up old boyfriends), or it's another sign that she wants sex with someone (anyone) other than you. 3-somes are never a good idea, especially when your relationship isn't going well. Start talking with her about what's wrong, and don't let yourself get distracted.

- Hayley xx :) - 11-09-2012 07:36 PM

She wants something more..
Maybe more than you?
Maybe more than you can give ..?

- Billy - 11-09-2012 07:36 PM

It means many things and some of which have been said in previous posts. There are issues she has developed and has not been sharing with you which has led to her actions of facebook and whathaveyou.
First, deal with the issues that caused her to go on facebook and do what she did. If she is unwilling to give you that much respect than from her perpective the relationship is nearing its end.

- ~*T*~ - 11-09-2012 07:36 PM

First off, looking at old boyfriends on the internet isn't necessarily a red flag. Doesn't always mean she's going to go cheat. Sometimes it can be fun to go look at what has become of your exes, especially if your life is going well and theirs isn't. However the emailing thing is a bit different. What was the context of the emails? That's a clue here. If they were hey, how ya doing emails, then I'd still be upset, but not as much as oh hey baby, how ya doin? Wink type emails.

She's looking for some excitement in the relationship. Why don't you go talk to her instead of us on here? Not talking to her won't accomplish anything.