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What Should I Say About the Engagement or Should I Not Say Anything? - Printable Version

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- B2BJune2010 - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

It's not your place to tell them. Just pretend you haven't seen it and wait for him to announce the news.

Or if it's really bothering you THAT much, why don't you call him and ask him, he's your brother after all.

If you don't want to talk to him, send him a facebook message and ask.

Maybe he is waiting for a special event/occasion family reunion or something like that to announce it, who knows?

- I love my love - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

no, your brother should be the one to tell your parents. you should call him and say congrats and ask him if he's told them yet, because you don't want to spoil the news if you talk to them first. if I were his fiancee I'd be pissed he hasn't told his parents yet because it's been like 6 weeks and he should be shouting it from the rooftops that he's happy to be getting married!

- Des - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

I would talk to your brother first and give him a chance to tell your parents because it is not really your place and you will just start a fight between him and your parents for him not telling them.

- Messykatt - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

OMG...almost 2 months and your parents don't know?!? I'd be totally tempted to grab the phone and tell them, but it's really not your place to do this, which I think you already know or you wouldn't be asking.

However, I would call my bro and point out that news spreads fast these days and it's a miracle someone hasn't mentioned it already to them. And then I would point out that that is about as unfair to his parents as it gets, so he needs to put on his big boy pants and tell them before they hear it from their dentist. That's really immature on his part and he owes his parents a lot better than this.

- zeureeka - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

Talk to your brother first. Explain to him that not only is a secret engagement immature and stupid (yeah, that's right, I said it, bring on the thumbs-down, high schoolers, I don't care, because it IS), it's not much of a secret when it's on his facebook page. There is a chance that there is something else going on here (I used to put "married" on my myspace, as I got less spam that way), so give him a chance to speak up.

If he really is engaged, tell him he's telling his parents like a grown up. If he won't do it, you'll have to do it, which sucks, because he should be the one to do it.

Chances are, though, that even if they do get married it won't last. Any time you have to hide how serious your relationship is, it's never good.

Good luck.

- dreamingaboutyouto - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

so obviously he has made the engagement public if you found out about it on facebook so I think that you have every right to tell your parents! he WILL be pissed right off at you though so if you kinda let it slip no big deal ! but maybe talk to him about it!

- Bradley - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

You need to let him tell. Talk to him. Why you got to rat him out. Its his life and his issue, why get involved!!

- DigitalDiva - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

First of all, how old is he? If he's young (18 or younger) then I doubt it's a "real" engagement anyway. I also doubt it because he did not announce it to your family. A lot of people change their facebook relationship status to things like "married" or "engaged" just for fun. Why don't you just ask your brother about it?

- B2B~6/19/10 - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

first off you need to talk to your brother to find out what he plans on doing. Maybe he is already planning on telling everyone together. Do not go and run to tell mommy and daddy. maybe your brothers wants to do it himself. see what brother thinks about doing

- Try n Smile - 11-09-2012 08:21 PM

wow, that is a huge thing to keep secret, even if your parents don't like her. Why dont you talk to your borther and ask him why he has not told any of you about it rather than tell your parents. It would be better to talk to him and try and find out whats going on, rather than tell your parents and it may end up causing a big argument. good luck with it all.