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My cyber boyfriend is older than me, is it illegal? - Printable Version

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- Beautiful princess - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM

Yes its still illigal because your only 15 and he is 18 years old and anyway talking to someone on the internet is dangerous. Theres alot of predators out there that are trying to catch young girls. So I suggest you be very careful and reconsider going any further with this cyber guy because people online are very dangerous and its not safe.

- John M - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM

She never said she didn't have him on Facebook, only that she was sending him a RELATIONSHIP request.
@Badâ„¢ xD:
However, the only thing I find weird is that you're dating someone from America? And it's a little strange he's 18 and you're 15. Just a warning, maybe find someone your own age.

I am sorry but there is No Age when it comes to cyber love (with the exception if he is old enough to be your father then thats more than just weird.. thats a WARNING to RUN, RUN AND RUN AWAY from the creeper!! lol)

But following Caro comment I must admit it is weird that you don't have him on Facebook.. How did you guys meet and if it wasn't because of Face Book then how do you know if he is your boyfriend?

- TS - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM

The age of consent does not apply to chatting or communicating through online social media. There are however cyberspace laws prohibiting the promotion of child pornography, human trafficking, hacking or or libel.

In both countries, strict laws are in force against statutory rape. They are meant to protect minors and keep sex predators away.Under the legislation, a sexual relationship with an underage girl is unlawful even if it is consensual.

In the cyberspace, however, a relationship of the sexual nature can never happen. Parents and authorities can however act against individuals who use social networking to entice or corrupt minors. If it comes to their knowledge, your parents can stop you from chatting online about love with an older person

You don't have to announce to the whole world that you want to form a serious relationship with a guy. Email is more private. But take note that virtual love is entirely different from real love in true life.