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I know this sounds childish but should I delete my ex girlfriend from facebook and myspace? - Printable Version

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- mahtab - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

dear friend i believe u should let her go cause is like she is going o do this with all the guys like a pin pong be happy find another one

- ebears - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

A clean cut heals the fastest. seing her on your friends list will just make you think of her and reopen the wounds. after a while if you want to be friends you can re-add her. but for now its just better to be free of all reminders.

- debbie - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

YES -delete !!! move on . take some time to self to end it in your mind !

- dropdead.lindsay. - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

i deleted my ex bf. cause i was pissed.
and then i found myself re-adding him a few days later.
and it took him awhile to accept it...
so... idk depends

- Mcluvin - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

i was in pretty much the same situation man. i think u gotta keep her as a friend on them BUT try to forget move on anyway. If you delete her (1) youll prolly end up wanting to add her again (2) its kind of wussing out , u gotta take the hit and still keep goin . im at that stage now.

- Nilou - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

It depends on a few things:
If you have a lot of mutual friends, no because then it will be awkward and other people may start talking about your situation which will kind of defeat the purpose of "letting her go". Also if you see her a lot (school, work?)

If you still want her back, no because then she will forget about you and figure it would just be easier to date the other guy.

If you dont see her if you dont want to and you dont have many mutual friends and would prefer to forget her and move on (without minding her hating you), go ahead.

- Tracey - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

ok if you broke up then trying to work it out, she is not for you. You should never come second for anyone. she chose to try this guy out so she should loose you forever no matter how bad it hurts you. you are still alive and go find that person who will not do that to you.

- Troubled Angel - 11-09-2012 08:39 PM

My advice is to TRY to be friends with her. I hate losing friends. Part of that could be that I'm always moving, but I prefer to keep my friends. Don't delete her from your myspace or facebook. That will only make her think you hate her. I went out with one of my guy friends for about two months. He broke up with me about a month ago. We still talk and we're still friends, but one of his emails he sent me made me think he hated me. I doubt he does, but I'm afraid to ask. Don't put her in that position. I know how it feels. It's a scary feeling.