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What should I do about my abusive father? - Printable Version

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- Clark Kent - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

I can relate!

- Micheal - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

You are the one on the wrong side... plz try to chnge urself!

- john - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

"oh abuse, omg im gonna cry, he said hes gonna hit me, what can i do, i cant defend myself against a 60 year old man, my penis is too small, omg, i think im gonna call the police for child abuse,"

lol, get the fuck over it you p*ssy.

maybe he is mad that you are videotaping him while disobeying him and arguing with him

woudnt that be hilarious if he was like my dad and physically forced u to turn the computer off and saw this question AND the youtube video? id love to see what he would do to u

- Intellectualcrowd648 - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

let me state what i previously said..
You're annoying him
He seems calm for how annoying you're being
My dad would kill you
and your dad looks like Larry David

- Toddlander - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

Thank all that is holy that your arrogant punk ass doesn't actually have an abusive father, because if he were, he'd beat you until you were unrecognizable.

- Alex - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

I looked up Domestic Dispute and there's nothing on the internet about it. It all comes down to domestic violence. Since he's threatening to hit you and maybe has hit you, you should talk to a counselor or go down to the police station. There's really nothing he could have done if he really had taken you to the police station. They would have just given him a "really? are you bringing this here?" kind of look.

I suggest talking to the police or a counselor and going from there. But it also seems as though you were being rude too. Giving him an attitude won't help your case when you give a complaint to whoever you're going to complain to. Stopping you from doing your homework is just wrong but if you're notorious for getting distracted on the computer (ahem: facebook) then I don't really blame him. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you.

And those who are being rude to this kid, just stop. It doesn't help anything. Does it make you feel better to insult Marcus? Don't bother commenting if you're going to say that crap.

- Lord Krishna - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

If i was him I would kick u out of the house.

- linehaul54 - 11-09-2012 08:48 PM

I saw your video and from what I saw I can tell you do not have any respect for your dad and possibly even your mom. It is very hard to be a parent today. I know how obnoxious your dad may seem but it sounds to me like they just want you to respect them and your home that they provide. I know that music was one of my problems with my two-step boys I would be trying to sleep and they would walk in and out all different hours and then play their music loud. I know that they did not respect me and I also know that they probably didn't even like me, but I was married to their mother and it was my responsibility to support my family regardless of whether they were my son's or my stepsons. I have to admit that when I was a teenager I was not as good as I could've been to my parents. I had a step dad who was an alcoholic but yet he supported us. He was paying for our food the roof over our head and our health insurance and even the gave us a couple of dollars when we needed it. He punched me in the mouth one time and busted my lip open when he was drunk one night. I was 16 and wanted to go to a concert and my mom told me I could go but he told me I couldn't. I went to the concert and when I got home at 1130 at night he was standing outside waiting for me. Now that seemed pretty cruel of him and it was, but now that I look back on it, all he wanted was respect and if I didn't like it, I could've left, nobody was holding me. But I was going to school and I was just a kid and I thought I knew better. Over the years he stopped drinking and retired from his job and started up the lawn service and we worked together and we're like best friends. I never threw up in his face when he used to do I was just glad that we were getting along. He died at 58 of lung cancer and it's been over 15 years and I do miss him. My mom died two years later and I still miss her. Even though she's to beat the tar out of me when I messed up, she was right. It's kind of sad not having either one of your parents around anymore and now you're on your own. All I have left are memories and the things that I learned when I was at home that's all that really matters.
Just a suggestion, it's never too late okay. But if you got a room keep it clean. When you make a mess cleaned up. Once in a while help out cleaning the house even though you may not have messed it up and most of all when you play music put on the earphones. To this day loud music drives me crazy I can't stand it. I play music myself. I play electric guitar and bass and I have my own amp and I sing but I cannot stand it at 1130 to 2 o'clock in the morning or later the boneheads that live in my neighborhood who blast their 5000 W stereos in their front yard and you can hear it a mile away and the right across the street I want to go out and blow up their stereos. I was brought up in the 50s and 60s which seem like only a few years ago and they go by very quick but music back then was Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd etc. today's music is strange to say the least some of it is good but the boom boom all hours of the day and night, I can live without.
When you get your own house and you're paying the bills and the mortgage comes every month the days go by very quick enjoy living at home and try to make things right with your family because one day they will die and when they do you will look back as I do and wished you had done things a little different. You can learn a lot from your parents believe it or not. Some parents are not very good but most parents try the best they can. I could say a lot more but you probably are not interested by now. I understand being a teenager and I also understand being a parent and they both are difficult especially today. A word of the wise is as long as your parents are supporting you and your living under their roof if you give them the help and the respect you will see they will change towards you. It will take time for them to see a difference in you, as it will take you time to see them change I really feel bad that you're having a hard time I just gave you a suggestion and my point of view. Good luck.