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How to make church go by faster? - Printable Version

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- SIOBVE - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

make a study of the mind control hypnosis techniques that are being used on your brain. learn how they work. think about the wider implications of the use of this psychological technology on your society.

think about ways to counter program your own mind to survive these forms of social air conditioning and shampoo.

- Helghast Wolf - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

get a big haul truck put the church on the truck then speed up.

- TONI101 - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

You are under obligation to obey your parents no matter what you believe. You mother is under obligation to teach you what the Bible really says. Your mother loves you. If she didn't she would not care what you believe or do.
Would you like to be out there in the world where people don't love their children?

(Ephesians 6:1-4) Children, be obedient to YOUR parents in union with [the] Lord, for this is righteous: 2 “Honor your father and your mother”; which is the first command with a promise: “That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth.”  
And YOU, fathers/mothers, do not be irritating YOUR children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah.

Because of not listening to your mother it is not going well with you.

(Proverbs 23:22) Listen to your father who caused your birth, and do not despise your mother just because she has grown old.

(Matthew 15:4) For example, God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘Let him that reviles father or mother end up in death.’

As a child you really don't have the experience to guide your own steps. That is why scriptures like the following are given to parents and children.

(Proverbs 3:11) The discipline of Jehovah, O my son, do not reject; and do not abhor his reproof.

(Proverbs 13:24) The one holding back his rod is hating his son, but the one loving him is he that does look for him with discipline.

(Proverbs 19:18) Chastise your son while there exists hope; and to the putting of him to death do not lift up your soulful desire.

(2 Timothy 3:16) All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness.

The way to make the meetings go faster is to prepare for them and participate in them.

- Jamlord - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

First learn the history of religion and then time goes by faster when you're dissecting some of the BS that they throw at people. Religion has made up some real whoppers and I'm not talking about Burger King.

- Joseph - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

Start by making her agree that God has granted us a 'free will' and we have to exercise it in order to discover 'love'.
So get her to discuss philosophical questions so that you might become more wise about God.
Ask simple questions that you feel needs explaining, and that shouting makes you nervous.
Finally tell her that by her examples she is discouraging you to be a member of the Jehovah witness.

- JimBrewski - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

pre-study ahead of time for the meetings.... that really makes it go by quick. If you're distracted by the current discussion instead of counting the minutes, the time REALLY FLIES!!!

Seriously! you don't have to agree with the discussion, just allow it to distract you from the clock...

- T - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

OMFG I know what youre going through I really do I was raised as a JW and was baptized sadly! I told my parents (whom my father is an elder) that I dont believe in it and that I dont want to be a JW. But my parents say as long as I live in there house I have to obey there rules. So I transferred my card to another congregation and I really dont go with me working as a cashier earning $9.50 an hour, Im saving every penny I can, plus thank God school is coming! So I really wont have time to go!
I plan on disassociating myself by writing a letter and then dont go anymore Im not going to the there judicial meeting because Ive quit the religion and there is no reason why I need to see them! I plan on doing it in January next year! The last meeting I went to was the memorial and its been a year since Ive done the field service!

I'm 21 Im trying to leave but I need to save more money to move out, I could move out right now but I would be right back here in this hell hole, but thank goodness I have a job!
I plan to move out after I get my degree in 2014 but Im going to officially quit the JW early next year!

If you want my advice do this
My advice to you is to keep studying at school and be a good hard working student and get As so you can have a high GPA and apply for colleges in your Junior and Senior year so you can apply for scholarships to a college! Trust me Ive shouldve done that

But if you cant take anymore here is a EX jehovahs witness facebook page if you need support!/groups/90686115834/

But to be honest with you I felt sick to my stomach when I found out the real truth about the JW organization, and I feel sorry for the your mother my parents and the other followers because they are basically waisting their life! :' (

But you have it a little bit easier try being gay and living with a jehovah witness family already know that Im gay and already know I dont believe in it!

- Lungboy - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

Ha! I actually did try the listening to music part when I was in my teens.

This was before wireless headsets so I got a single bud earphone and ran the cable up the inside of my jacket sleeve. I made sure we sat close to the back and picked seats against the wall where my earphone was.

It worked great for half an hour but then the tape (yeah tape, I know, I'm old) reached the end and it had the features to flip over and play the other side. Normally you wouldn't think that would be so loud but in a hall where there is only a brother droning on and on in a monotone voice it was like thunder.

Ka-CHUNK!! click click whirrrrrr click click Ka-CHUNK!

The whole hall was looking around to see where the noise came from. Naturally I joined in looking around me. After a while I made the excuse to go to the bathroom, removed the cassette player and stuffed it in my sock. Slowly walked back to my chair hoping it wouldn't come loose, then bent down pretending to check my meeting bag and slipped it out of my pantleg and into the bag.

Never tried it again, but it was a good idea.

If you go this route, make sure you practice before hand. Check for low battery conditions, is there a tone or flashing light?

Otherwise I took up mathematics and would write out complex questions and try to solve them in the margins. It wasn't drawing or doodling so my parents didn't get too concerned, but I think they knew what I was doing.

I feel for you though, I couldn't tell you how many times I counted the ceiling tiles or lights, or try to see how many chairs were missing the little plastic "knobs" on the top.

After I got married, I didn't really care. I would bring work to the meetings and do our family finances, balance the checkbook or study things for work. I had a couple times flagged in the meeting to prepare a comment for so people just thought I was taking notes.

Worked well. Fortunately after a while my wife started having doubts and now we are both out. Haven't been to a meeting or assembly in years. Sooo nice.

- TeeM - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

What you get out of life is what you put into it.

If you want to be a lump on a log, then that is all the fun you will have.

If you want to enjoy life, then you must live it.

To enjoy the meetings you must be part of the meetings.
