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how many of you have problems in your relationship because of facebook? - Printable Version

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- Sierra Jones - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

One thing...
Tell him you arent the boss of me and tell him to get over it!
Its not going to hurt him!
I tell my boyfriend that all the time!

- Sierra Jones - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

Facebook can be a nuciance when it comes to dating. I was dating a guy and hanging out with a guy friend. The guy I was dating got overly jealous and messaged my guy friend on Facebook. Things turned south, but got better. My now boyfriend occasionally gets upset when I chat with other guys on Facebook.

- shawnee_morrison09 - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

HaHa.. Me! But, i love facebook, its real addictive! (:

- leslie anne - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

i deleted my ex boyfriend as a friend on facebook and told him he needed to grow up, then i would add him, ITS JUST FACEBOOK! LMAO and it worked!

- Mamour - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

Facebook has nothing to do with my personal life whatsoever. Keep it and if he does not like it? Tell him to go on.
People with insecurities have problems with facebook.

- Jets - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

I lost a marriage over it. She hooked up with a guy from the past that found her.
So she probably wouldn't have done it if there weren't other problems. Facebook wasn't the reason, it was just the vehicle to make it happen.

I effen hated Facebook and still don't like it. BUT my new GF is on it just like everyone else. I wasn't about to tell her to stop. That is not how relationships work.

You mentioned compromise and that is what needs to happen. If you have cheated on him then leave. If you haven't and aren't planning on it then he needs to learn to accept it.
A lot of things in life are like being an alcoholic. The liquor is everywhere but you need to deal with it. It isn't going away.

So if he leaves you and finds another GF, what are the chances that she will be on Facebook also? Then what?

- Enrique Cadena - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

facebook is definately drama on the internet, think about it,
everyone postes whats in they're mind(somethimes is no good)
im 25 i dont have a facebook, that's for kids but i had a myspace and is probably the same thing.
just be carefull with what u write and who you write too.
remember everyone can see youre profile...(even if it's private)
if i where u i wouldn't have one in the first place.....(do you really need it)?
do it for youre self not youre boyfriend

best answer.

- Katie - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

i hack my boyfriends facebook all the time and stuff.. We never argue about anything!! If one of us is upset about something, we'll get together or phone the other and talk about it! It's not your fault that he has issues, your in the right here! tell him to deactivate his account and stay off it so he never has to worry about what you do on their. Sounds like he's kinda... not cool.. like, he doesn't care about your feelings and things. Doesn't sound like it could be a very good relationship

- Eric - 11-09-2012 09:53 PM

Is facebook really more important to you than your relationship?
Then you should probably think your relationship over...