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Is Facebook really that good and why are people so obsessed with it? - Printable Version

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- unciaciapanca - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

it is good if you use it properly i mean, if you don't just waste your time or try to contanct poeple who don't really want to talk to you. Absurd: to contant persons you never say Hallo when you meet...

- Ed - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

it isnt, and i dont obsess abt it...

u wanna keep up w/someone, just call them up, or email them!

- ragebassmasta - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

Like kirby said, it is a good way to keep in touch. I probably would of lost touch with a lot of my high school friends after leaving for college if it wasn't for facebook. Some people do get a little to obsessed with it though, I just check it once or twice a day to see if I got any new messages or what not. I don't get the quizzes either, but I get it's a way to pass the time.

- Tobi123 - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

Yes I deleted and deactivated my account about 6 months ago! I've found since I've stopped using it I spend more time communicating with my friends in a far more healthy way i.e. in private over the phone or in person.

I completely agree with your comments. The status updates are always have one clinically depressed 'friend' moaning about their love life or telling you they are "making a cup of tea". It panders to introspection and being so self obsessed can't be healthy for the mind.

- Christopher - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

Its a great way to stay in touch with friends a and network. If you have a company its really good for that.

- zealousgame270 - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

I deleted that and myspace…..just another way for the government to keep track of you and if someone is *really* a friend - they'll take the time to call you and spend time with you…….

All of this is pretty new so- its going to be really interesting to see what happens when this generation runs for office/government jobs or something that requires a SERIOUS background check and the things the wrote/did on the internet come back to haunt them…..Very naive.

- Julie - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

I guess it depends on how involved you get by "joining groups, playing games, doing chats, and many others" I don't get that involved so I'm not quite obsessed. Just depends...

- Lala D - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

ur a pretty narrowminded person..considering u just gave a few of ur own examples as to why facebook was made. i use it to talk to my bf who is away at college, or my sister and brother who live out of state, or all my old friends from back when i lived in NJ. also i had a paper yesterday that i was doing with a partner and i sent her an inbox of the half i wrote and she based her half off of mine...couldnt prob do that if it wasnt for thank goddddd facebook. its also something to use when ur bored at 1am during the weekend. or late at night while doing hw. the quizzes make it interesting. i know one person who used their notes to show their poetry skills, or students who use it for class schedules, and also people make invites to parties on "thirsty thursdays" or weekend parties and i will be able to know when and where it is....YEPP those are the reasons....Now what were URS again??

- PrinceJDrakeshoney - 11-10-2012 12:35 AM

I have a Facebook. I don't use it. I got one thinking I could find someone from middle school..had no luck.

I think people probly do the quizzes because it's something to do. if you're not reconnecting with people, its really just a time occupier.