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How to persuade my mum to let me have Facebook? - Printable Version

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- Alex - 11-10-2012 01:03 AM

Is it because it's too dangerous..? I'm gonna assume so.

1. Potential stalkers have to find your profile first. Not as easy as it sounds. Especially if you don't have a mainstream name like John Smith or something, people would have to actually think of a name and then search for whichever one might be a 14 year old potential stalkee in the stalker's area... etc. etc. It's not easy.
2. There's not much you can do with people's personal information. So what? You have their name, picture, maybe date or place of birth. Big whoop. What can a stalker do with that? It's not as if they can go enter it in some website and it'll come up with where you live, or where you are right now. The internet is nothing like that.
3. Tell her that under no circumstances are you dumb enough to actually go meet someone you met *purely* on Facebook. Because that is the ONLY reason ANYBODY has ever been stalked and harmed because of Facebook. Because they met up with them.
4. Remind her about Facebook privacy settings. They work and they're easy?
5. If it's still a no, cry and don't talk to her for a month because she's ruining your social life. Stick to the one month part, she'll crack eventually...


- Chloe - 11-10-2012 01:03 AM

wow, seems like your mum is very protective. yes u need to be 13 to have face book but many people lie. Some 7 years old have it ( lol its true). Tell her that or tell her its just for games and things. Say all your friends have it. Nag her for days, weeks she will come through. Tongue

- mileysbiggestfan - 11-10-2012 01:03 AM

say to her im old enough to have it now and its going to help me plan stuff with my friends and im going to use it for games now. or say something like that