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What are you supposed to do on Twitter? - Printable Version

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- Smell This - 10-03-2012 02:14 AM

...Twitter is a "pain in the azz" ! You'll do better just sending "them" an e-mail or an Instant Msg. (depending on what "service" you're using)

- Profoundriver242 - 10-03-2012 02:14 AM

Me Too.!. . .I jus don't understand what's the whole purpose of this TWITTER bull crap.!

- aresee - 10-03-2012 02:14 AM

Make a twit of yourself! Sorry, couldn't resist that. It's just another one of these sites where you keep a sort of blog and write about absolutely anything which, unless you are probably an interesting person or celebrity is of no interest to anyone.

- mclal1pt - 10-03-2012 02:14 AM

Once signed in, click "home" and start tweeting.

Find friends to tweet to by searching for them.

Follow me at and I will follow you back.