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How would you tackle the deficit? - Printable Version

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- Raving Ricky - 11-18-2012 01:08 PM

Close the loopholes for the super-rich to advoid paying their taxes ( ie Harry Redknapp types) to ensure they don't get away with it.

Whilst not withdrawing from Europe totally, start demanding more from them instead of giving them so much. I would also include DEPORTING most European immigrants from here who then proceed to send whatever money they earn/get from benefits in this country back to their homelands. That way our economy would grow faster as British people would have the jobs & spend their money HERE!

STOP ALL overseas aid immediately & for the forseeable future - this country CANNOT afford overseas aid.

Stop following USA blindly into war after war after war saving not just money but lives as well.

Stop all waste in government departments & local authorities, far too much is wasted on stupid needless expenses & admin costs & charged as paper clips, staples, ink cartridges, paper etc, etc.
Make departments more accountable.

Stop the pay & expenses of any MP who is unproductive, does little for his constituents, or is found to have been fiddling expenses etc.

Stop paying things like winter fuel payments to wealthy pensioners who have moved abroad - they do NOT need them.

Limit Child benefit to basic rate tax payers & below only & for the first two children only.

Lower the rate of VAT on British goods & remove it from domestic fuel/energy bills.

That will do for starters.

- musicrulesok - 11-18-2012 01:08 PM

Not selling companies off to foreign buyers, bring back call centres to UK, not destroying the NHS, because those reforms will see it end up like the USA. Bringing the likes of Health care Professions to train up in hospitals, keeping universities solely academic with people who wish to do postgraduates etc, being able to do so. Reopening the coal mines and allowing people to make goods in the UK not "made in China"!
Making rich people ie Celebs, media, greedy MPs and bankers have a basic salary each depending on what they do not millions like they have and they pay a certain tax, hence bringing the extra monies back into the economy. Stopping unnecessary bonuses too!
Not waging wars, when we are supposedly broke and our military has been cut. We should be fighting for the preservation of each other and all life not the universal destruction of all!
Enough said!

PS The deficit isn't all of our problems, because it was greed that got there in the first place and greed is still playing a vital part. With the idle rich allowing poorer folk to pay for their extravagant lifestyles, it catches up with you after a while!

- Michael - 11-18-2012 01:08 PM

Excuse me... the deficit is in the TRILLIONS !
1. raise the tax on any Corporation
2. Over $200,000...raise the tax bracket
3. JOBS ! ! ! ! ! jobs = tax revenue
4. Get SERIOUS about "Fair Trade"
5. Social Security tax goes BACK TO 6.2 % ( why spend
"tomorrows' money" on inept management of
our economy) ?

- Paul - 11-18-2012 01:08 PM

I would certainly seriously consider a withdrawal from the EU. It is worth remembering our farmers managed very well before we joined the Common Market and money was not wasted on quotas with surpluses being sold off cheap to the Russians! Membership is costly and leaving would free us to make our own laws and choose which regulations work best for our own businesses. The latter being vital to our economic recovery.

Ditch the social engineering in our education system and return to stringent teaching in an ordered environment because only when the system educates our own children to the standard required of employers will we not have to bring in immigrants to do the jobs many of our people can't, or won't. So bring back the work ethic too.

Foreign aid is something we can ill-afford. This aid is going to many countries who are clearly able to manage without it.

Prune the NHS back to being a genuine 'if the bough breaks' service for British people rather than the mollycoddling 'available to anyone who cares to ask' branch of social services it has become.

Hopefully the Government will overturn the reckless and disingenuous House of Lords defeat over its welfare reform plans. These are long overdue and it's high time those like the pathetic hand-wringing bishops moaning on and on about 'child poverty' were given the contempt they deserve: many hard-working families can only wish they received £26K after tax and other deductions. THEY have to live in a house commensurate with their means, and THEY sometimes have to move because of circumstances, and THEIR children often have to share a bedroom.

This is all about state money: our money: taxpayer's money. Only pruning the expenditure of this source can tackle the deficit which is reduced by curtailing borrowing because of the interest payment that have to be made.

The idea of taxing the 'rich' always gets the left excited and licking their lips, but I'm not sure that I can see the justification of on one hand encouraging entrepeneurs who start off taking huge risks, and then when those who don't come a serious cropper succeed, punish them with more taxation.
50% is probably about right in my view.

As to whther these policies would cost more than they raise, I obviously do not believe they would otherwise I couldn't really proffer them as suggestions for takling the deficit.

On the whole though I think the coalition is doing reasonably well.