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What exactly do republicans believe in, and what are their views on this economy? - Printable Version

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- Ward Cleaver - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

Republican or conservative? Not always the same thing these days. Assuming the latter, she must be one of the few conservative teachers left in this country. Listen to her closely. This might be your only chance to absorb the thoughts of a sane instructor.

- Bthomas28821 - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

just like any political ideology or party...most people can associate themselves with one but do not fit perfectly within it's description. for example I consider myself a republican as well, however, I do not necessarily disagree with abortion (and a typical "republican" or conservative certainly would). But to name a few examples of what the mainstream republican is known for supporting: the ability to own a gun, against abortion, values order before equality, individuals are the base for our nation's power, little government interference (i.e. the typical republican does not think that the government should have a lot of power to regulate the economy) and many more. To be honest...I realize you have a curiosity in your teacher's belief's, but she will most likely do her best to not make that a factor because it is her job as an educator to allow her students to think freely rather than instill her beliefs onto you. (then again, there's always that chance). So if your inquiry stems from fear that you not knowing/supporting the things that she does...don't sweat it.

- Shana - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

I believe in freedom, freedom to decide what insurance I want, the freedom to decide if i want the president talking to my kids, the freedom to bare arms, freedom to not support abortion.

- Darwin - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

She believes in those who have made money to be able to crush those who have not.

- Big Brodie - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

No federal government except the Department of Defense

A complete pass on taxation

Freedoms a select group of people, they decide who is in the group

The right to kill without accountability

Whatever else they can get for nothing

- Soul&Spirit - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

Republicans are also known as the Right. Republicans emphasize the role of free market decision making in fostering economic prosperity, in other words capitalism. This allows anyone to start their own business. Many Republicans consider the income tax system to be inherently inefficient and oppose graduated tax rates, which they believe are unfairly targeted at those who create jobs and wealth. They believe private spending is usually more efficient than government spending. On the other hand, democrats believe in "redistributing" the wealth among the poor, and let the government have control over the economy.

Most Republicans agree there should be a "safety net" to assist the less fortunate; however, they tend to believe the private sector is more effective in helping the poor than government is; as a result, Republicans support giving government grants to faith-based and other private charitable organizations to supplant welfare spending.

The party opposes a single-payer health care system, believing such a system constitutes socialized medicine and is in favor of a personal or employer-based system of insurance, supplemented by Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid, which covers approximately 40% of the poor.

On the other hand, the Democratic party has historically favored farmers, laborers, labor unions, and religious and ethnic minorities; it has opposed unregulated business and finance, and favored progressive income taxes. Which is better known as socialism (Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro are examples of socialists) In recent decades, the party has adopted a centrist economic and more socially progressive and social democratic agenda.

- introvertedguy06 - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

they are anarchists.